The Neindalorian
NAME: Rito Hust
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Mandalorian
SPECIES: Neimoidian
AGE: Late 20s
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2 Meters
WEIGHT: 90 Kilo Grams
EYES: Cybernetic
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Great Business Sense
+ Proficient Slicer
+- Some what non-confrontational, good for being a Neimordian, bad for being a Mandalorian
- Greedy
- Obsessed with Status
For all intense and proposes Rito generally looks like an average Neimoidian. However, he wears cybernetic eyes and a mouth piece from his time working with other Neimoidians. However, he's rather quite muscular for most of his race, mostly do to his time with the warrior culture of the Mandalorians. As for his Mandalorian armor, it has been customized to be more of a powertech design, and abandoning the T shaped visor for his unique, "less than human" physiology.
Rito was born on one of the various purse worlds. However, his early years determined a lot for him in Neimordian society. Given the the grubs are taught the importance of survival of the greediest. He was sadly not as greedy has he should have been as a grub. Stunting him in his youth and becoming subject to one of the many lesser casts of the society he was born and raised in. Seemingly condemned to live out his life toiling away in the numerous hives in their home world.
However, eventually he grew discontent and fed up with his life. Wishing to make it better for himself he tried to use the lessons he learned as a little grub and attempted to steal and horde wealth from his superiors. Which he was fairly good at in the beginning, nobody suspected him of running off with a few of their credits here or there. However, he took it too far and got greedy. After getting caught he was almost put to death. However, during his trial it was deem even to the Neimoidian rather hypocritical to pushing even a stunted worker to death for the lessons their society had taught him. So they decided on simply banishing him from the Neimoidian planets and society as a whole.
Rito was still rather young at this point, and probably would've wasted away if he hadn't been adopted by a Mandalorian and their culture. It was a gamble, and his adopter knew that. Neimoidians were not known for their courage and fighting prowess. But they saw something else, a different kind of fighting spirit, one that was less conventional than the standards of Mandalor.
From this training, Rito experienced a second growth spurt. Almost thanks to his starved an stunted body, the sudden introduction of a healthy life style allowed him to really bulk up and even rival other Mandalorians in strength. These days after "graduating" as a Mandalorian he does most his work as a freelancer. Often for his work as a slicer, and using his business sense in battle, just a different kind of battle the one of information and business...
Rito pilots a stock YV-666 Light Freighter
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
NAME: Rito Hust
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Mandalorian
SPECIES: Neimoidian
AGE: Late 20s
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2 Meters
WEIGHT: 90 Kilo Grams
EYES: Cybernetic
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Great Business Sense
+ Proficient Slicer
+- Some what non-confrontational, good for being a Neimordian, bad for being a Mandalorian
- Greedy
- Obsessed with Status
For all intense and proposes Rito generally looks like an average Neimoidian. However, he wears cybernetic eyes and a mouth piece from his time working with other Neimoidians. However, he's rather quite muscular for most of his race, mostly do to his time with the warrior culture of the Mandalorians. As for his Mandalorian armor, it has been customized to be more of a powertech design, and abandoning the T shaped visor for his unique, "less than human" physiology.
Rito was born on one of the various purse worlds. However, his early years determined a lot for him in Neimordian society. Given the the grubs are taught the importance of survival of the greediest. He was sadly not as greedy has he should have been as a grub. Stunting him in his youth and becoming subject to one of the many lesser casts of the society he was born and raised in. Seemingly condemned to live out his life toiling away in the numerous hives in their home world.
However, eventually he grew discontent and fed up with his life. Wishing to make it better for himself he tried to use the lessons he learned as a little grub and attempted to steal and horde wealth from his superiors. Which he was fairly good at in the beginning, nobody suspected him of running off with a few of their credits here or there. However, he took it too far and got greedy. After getting caught he was almost put to death. However, during his trial it was deem even to the Neimoidian rather hypocritical to pushing even a stunted worker to death for the lessons their society had taught him. So they decided on simply banishing him from the Neimoidian planets and society as a whole.
Rito was still rather young at this point, and probably would've wasted away if he hadn't been adopted by a Mandalorian and their culture. It was a gamble, and his adopter knew that. Neimoidians were not known for their courage and fighting prowess. But they saw something else, a different kind of fighting spirit, one that was less conventional than the standards of Mandalor.
From this training, Rito experienced a second growth spurt. Almost thanks to his starved an stunted body, the sudden introduction of a healthy life style allowed him to really bulk up and even rival other Mandalorians in strength. These days after "graduating" as a Mandalorian he does most his work as a freelancer. Often for his work as a slicer, and using his business sense in battle, just a different kind of battle the one of information and business...
Rito pilots a stock YV-666 Light Freighter
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.