Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Riuku Morvol


NAME: Riuku Morvol

FACTION: Factionless, But more closely aligned with the dark side.


Vanr (

AGE: 19


HEIGHT: ~1.8 Meters

WEIGHT: ~68 Kilos

EYES: Gray/Green eyes.

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Blue




- Flight (Race Strength) - Wings. That’s pretty much it.
- Natural Weapons (Race Strength) - Able to use his tail, horns, and the claws on his hands and feet as weapons.
- Physically strong - After working most of his live as a slave mercenary, he’s become lean and strong from missions and training.
- Street Smart - While he is not very educationally smart, he is street smart. He learned how to survive in situations from other slaves he has met over the years, and from personal experiences
- Anger Issues - If he were to turn into a Sith, this would turn into a strength
- Merciful - If he were to turn into a Jedi, this would turn into a strength.
- Good with weapons - Despite his early mercenary work being suicide runs, he managed to scrap by and learn how to fight. This has made him good with weapons.

- Hard to gain his trust - Side effect of being a slave, you learn to not trust or be too friendly with people.
- Not too smart - Another side effect, living as a slave made it hard to get educational teachings of any kind in. (NOTE: This does not make him a bumbling slow speaking idiot. He’s just not a genius)
- Anger Issues - This one is not as major as you would think. While he has trouble controlling his anger sometimes, it is mostly because of his races’ natural dark side attunement. Despite this, his anger usually hides itself. If he DOES get mad, however, you’d best run.
- Hollow Bones (Race Weakness) As he is a Vanr, his bones are hollow and aren’t very strong.
- Merciful - He is forgiving, and able to let someone live if he feels they are in the wrong. (rare if its a mercenary contract)
- Antisocial - Thanks to his demon-like appearance, and him working as an expendable mercenary for a wealthy house of aristocrats, he has been insulted, and has had people tell him to his face many times that he is a worthless slug, or something of the sort. This has turned him to be Antisocial.

The Picture above is pretty accurate to his overall appearance.
One key difference is the fact that he has more clothes on, some simple brown pants and a black shirt.
Another key difference is that Riuku is more rugged from his slave work, and appears more strong. Since he is build tough and well, he weighs a decent amount for his size, for his race that is.


Riuku spent his first few years of like on Dromund Kaas. His life wasn’t very exciting. His parents were slaves, as well as every other Vanr he knew. When he reached the age of Six, his parent’s realized that owning a child was not a blessing as they thought it was, but it just meant they had to make sure someone else was alive. At least, this is what Riuku thought. In truth, they realize what their sons life would be like, and knew that if he was off Dromund Kaas, he would have a much better chance of doing something with his life, even if he had to be sold as a slave to leave the planet. As such, they took him and sold him to a visiting slave trader, who had been visiting to purchase some “wares”
Riuku didn’t know what to think of being abandoned by his parents. He wasn’t really bothered about being sold as a slave. While on Dromund Kaas he wasn’t a slave at the time, he would have became one not long after, so his parents just shortened his freedom. Despite them being his parents, he didn’t really have love for them. He was grateful for them working to get food for him, and keeping him alive, but since he didn’t know their true reasoning behind them selling him, he was hurt. Years later, when he heard the planet of Dromund Kaas was destroyed, he would barely react.
Believe it or not, when it comes to slaves, he got off lucky. He was sold to a wealthy house of aristocrats on New Alderaan. When Riuku was first sold, he thought he would become a house slave, but instead, to his shock, he became a Mercenary Slave. The house he was sold to, House Caratel, were bored around the time Riuku was sold to them, and decided to turn him into a mercenary to 1. Deal with any bad deeds, and 2. For entertainment.

Riuku was went on mostly suicide runs, but surprisingly returned every time. During all of this, he befriended a young Chiss boy, named Ian. Whenever Riuku would return from missions, he would tell Ian tales of his journeys. This was his only example of being social while serving House Caratel.

Of course, the house found out. They decided Riuku was barely worth more than Ian, and had Ian killed. Instead of gratitude from being spared, Riuku was enraged. His anger managed to unlock his force sensitivity, and he force pushed the guard who came to tell him the news, slit his throat with his claws, took his gun, and made his way to the vault where they stored his gear.
He wasn’t very surprised at his ability to use the force. He had always felt something was special about him, and had heard of stories of the Sith using the force while on Dromund Kaas, but wasn’t sure if he was force sensitive until then.

When he got to the vault, he managed to kill the four guards patrolling. He took his gear, and flew to the house’ ship docks. He arrived, and managed to sneak aboard a Thetan Luxury Starship, owned by House Caratel, and escape off New Alderaan.

(A more detailed story of Riuku's slave life will be made later)



Riuku currently “owns” a Thetan Luxury Starship. It was stolen from the wealthy House Caratel by Riuku while he was escaping. It is a standard version. All information on the starship can be found here.

- Blaster Pistol he uses for mercenary jobs
- Vibroblade
- A280 Blaster Rifle he stole from the dead guard.




Abandoned on Dorin (Closed)
Ossus or bust (Ongoing)
The Basics of Lightsaber Combat (Ongoing)
Rhen Var Caves of Crystal (Ongoing)
The Demon's Training (Ongoing)
What Truly Defines Us (Ongoing)

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