Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Riven Starfall

Riven Starfall


NAME: Riven Starfall

FACTION: Iron Empire

RANK: Iron Legion Centurion (Knight)


AGE: 34 standard years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'2"

WEIGHT: 178 lbs.

EYES: Green

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Caucasian



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Riven is incredibly charismatic, and always has been. Fast on his feet with wit and jokes, Riven has no problem trading insults or compliments with another. Because of this, he has great camaraderie with his fellow Legionnaires. Furthermore, his speeches during battles always rouse a great success during fights against the enemy.

+ Riven is an accomplished duelist, and his saber skills are a sight to behold. Enemies of the Iron Empire have fallen to Riven by the dozens, though he doesn't take life without guilt. Due to his upbringing and his martial abilities, Riven makes a fine Centurion.

- Brash and somewhat impulsive, Riven has a habit of being too carefree during operations. Though he knows when to be serious, his temper and flashes of anger can get the best of him at times. This results in him being aggressive during battle, and was a keen issue during his trials.

- Riven is not particularly skilled when it comes to the Force itself. His powers are not strong, and his skill is obviously more invested in blades. Because of this, he is not well-versed in the Force itself. He admits this of course, and tries to make up for it with daily study.

Standing over 6 feet tall with messy dark brown hair, Riven has been called gentlemanly by many. Piercing blue eyes and a fantastic smile fill out his face, showing off the amazing genes his father gave him. Furthermore, Riven takes his hygiene very seriously, and bathes regularly. He has been called "Lady-Boy" by some of his comrades in arms, as he always smells good no matter the mission. Though it is just a jest, Riven takes it all in fun anyway. His jovial nature is almost always available, even during battle, where he will joke with his warriors before fighting.


Standard IE Shuttle/Fighter





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