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Character Riven Terrik



Riven Terrik

Full NameRiven Terrik
PronunciationRiv-N | | Tair-ick
AliasThe Raven
AgeEarly Thirties
  • Whoever is Paying
Force SensitiveNo
Height6' 4"
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorGreen
Skin ColorGreen
Distinctive featuresTwo black triangle tattoos under left eye
PlaybyRandom Art
  • Current: TddmRqj.png


Riven Terrik (formerly Riven Horn) was born on the space station known as Shelter to a male descendent of Booster Terrik and a Mirialan woman. Despite both being strong users of the Force, he was born without any ability to use it. Instead, he rebelled against their upbringing because he felt like an outsider, and turned to a life of smuggling, since it was an old family tradition.


Riven is a male half-human and half-mirialan hybrid from the space station known as Shelter. His mother and father were both Jedi who lived there, silently teaching young Jedi and content to a life away from the rest of the galaxy. To their surprise, their son did not show the aptitude for the Force that they had expected of him. It was a disappointment to them. They tried to hide it from him, but as he grew he could always tell that something was off. Sure, they loved him all the same, and treated him the way any child would want, but there was something in how he felt around them that told him something was wrong.

When he was a teenager, he snuck aboard a shuttle leaving the station and hid in the cargo hold, making his escape. He didn't belong among the Jedi there any his parents were increasingly spending more time with the students than they were with him. He felt an outsider and so fled.

The problem with running away as he did was that he had no real skills to draw on for survival. Inevitably it left him running in with the kind of people that stole to survive, and he got rather good at it, learning the art of the con from older folks who'd been in the game for a long time and were all too eager to teach a youngster their ways. He soaked it up like a sponge and managed to con his way into an Alliance flight academy despite being underage. There he learned to be an excellent pilot, which wasn't much of a surprise given his family lineage tracing back to Corran Horn. Instead of keeping the Horn name, which he was born with, he changed his last name to Terrik, feeling more in line with that part of his lineage.

He went AWOL after graduation, disappearing out into the Outer Rim territories where outlaws and gangsters found kindred spirits. It had never been his intent to remain in the Alliance navy, after all. He linked in with a small smuggling outfit and, as time passed, eventually took over the operation. He sold the ship that he'd inherited and purchased a new one which was far more top of the line and could run in just about any space, keeping his career viable no matter where he had to go.

Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Piloting: He's a pretty skilled pilot thanks to his academy training.
  • Brawling: He's an excellent brawler. Fisticuffs are a passion of his.
  • Con: He's been conning people since his early teens and he's gotten fairly good at it.

  • Family Issues: Riven feels as if his family has cast him aside and as a result has developed some commitment issues.
  • Vice: He's prone to alcoholism, having gotten hooked on it at a very young age.





Armor and Clothing

He typically wears a long, brown duster overtop of a brown undershirt and a rust-colored chestplate. Tan pants with metal knee plates adorn his legs, and a pair of brown boots his feet. His belt is a bit more technical as it houses a lot of gismos and gadgets that he might use at any time, all legal to avoid getting in trouble, but some of them just barely so, and depend on the planet.





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