Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Riza Codian (Character)

Standard Profile Template

NAME: Riza Codian
FACTION: Madolorian
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'9"
EYES: Purple
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Highly Skilled in Unarmed Combat
Has the Ability to Easily Persuade People
Weaknesses: Will never leave a man behind even if it causes his death
He is very naive to his own capabilities

Blue Facial Tattoos are shaped like Lightning bolts on both sides of face with a black Diamond on forehead

Riza Codian was born into slavery somewhere in the unknown regions he trained since he could walk in the ways of unarmed combat. Has he grew up he taught some of the younger slaves how to defend themselves against the harsh beast that plague their homes. During his coming of age a clan of Mandolorians came to the planet and attack their settlement being how he is he defended the entire settlement almost single handed Realizing this the mandalorians took him away from the planet and trained him in their form of unarmed combat. This is where Riza resides until put on assignment.

Riza Pilot's a Small 1 man fighter he calls The Crimson Eagle given to him by the madolorians for when he goes on assignment



[member="Riza Codian"]

Hey, I thought I trademarked the name of the ship :)

But seriously, nice looking ship. If you plan to use it a lot, it's worth having it officially recognised. If you check out my About Me page (just click on me and It'll take you there) you'll see links to my two ships. You follow the guidelines and submit and hey presto, it's official. And if it's already been approved, just put the link in your bio, so people know...

OOC: just wondering if i have to wait for approval or if i can just jump right lol :p
Ignore this post just read the character creation header *face palm*

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