Relina Zhan
Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Name: RNAC Hierlark
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Intent: This is the nearest military base to Dimitor and a major defense outpost for that planet's administrative centre.
Classification: Naval Aerospace Complex, primarily.
Location: 20 kilometres outside of Dimitor's C-South gate, off of Highway 772, Gallinore, Interior Region of the Hapes COnsortium, Grid O-9, Inner rim of the Galaxy.
Affiliation: Locally, the Federation of Gallinore, Hapan Royal Navy overarching.
Population: 50,000 total, all affiliated with the Royal Navy, since the Hapan military on the whole are all departments of the Royal Navy. 20,000 Space Marines, 5,000 Cyborg warriors. 5,000 support staff, 10,000 Naval officers 5,000 trainees, 5,000 trained Pilots.
Defenses: 6 Pillbox bunkers around the base perimeter with sensors around the landscape surrounding it. 10 AA batteries on control spires and on the ground. 10 mobile AAM units patrolling the vicinity of the base routinely. Ray shielding graded for orbital bombardment. 20 large hangars in close proximity to landing pads and underground storage bunkers.
Points of Interest: Fighter hangars, landing pads, Commissary, Crew quarters, Club Seraphim, Situation room, gun range, Wayist Temple.
Description: This is a major military installation that is fairly well defended. It has most everything you would expect to see in a moderate sized Military base, including a club. The airfield itself is impressive in size, since it has to house many fighters for training and stationed squadrons. Recent additions include a shield array with orbital bombardment in mind. This place is like a small, albeit fortified, city.
History: Royal Navy Aviation Corps base Heirlark's history isn't very interesting. It was founded in C.Y. 1890 and periodically expanded as necessary. It's affiliation with the Aviation Corps became a thing when Gallinore needed a base for its ground based Fighter squadrons and a hub between the orbital ships and the planet. Build out of necessity, it stands guard, ever vigilant over Dimitor, Gallinore's capital. It is currently seeing use as a favourable training base for novice pilots. Ducha Zhan's flight training took place here and she still considers it a second home. Recently, the base has allowed civilian pilots to use its facilities and welcomes novice civilian pilots to learn there.... in the hopes that they can use it as a recruiting campaign geared convincing younger aviators to join the Navy.
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Intent: This is the nearest military base to Dimitor and a major defense outpost for that planet's administrative centre.
Classification: Naval Aerospace Complex, primarily.
Location: 20 kilometres outside of Dimitor's C-South gate, off of Highway 772, Gallinore, Interior Region of the Hapes COnsortium, Grid O-9, Inner rim of the Galaxy.
Affiliation: Locally, the Federation of Gallinore, Hapan Royal Navy overarching.
Population: 50,000 total, all affiliated with the Royal Navy, since the Hapan military on the whole are all departments of the Royal Navy. 20,000 Space Marines, 5,000 Cyborg warriors. 5,000 support staff, 10,000 Naval officers 5,000 trainees, 5,000 trained Pilots.
Defenses: 6 Pillbox bunkers around the base perimeter with sensors around the landscape surrounding it. 10 AA batteries on control spires and on the ground. 10 mobile AAM units patrolling the vicinity of the base routinely. Ray shielding graded for orbital bombardment. 20 large hangars in close proximity to landing pads and underground storage bunkers.
Points of Interest: Fighter hangars, landing pads, Commissary, Crew quarters, Club Seraphim, Situation room, gun range, Wayist Temple.
Description: This is a major military installation that is fairly well defended. It has most everything you would expect to see in a moderate sized Military base, including a club. The airfield itself is impressive in size, since it has to house many fighters for training and stationed squadrons. Recent additions include a shield array with orbital bombardment in mind. This place is like a small, albeit fortified, city.
History: Royal Navy Aviation Corps base Heirlark's history isn't very interesting. It was founded in C.Y. 1890 and periodically expanded as necessary. It's affiliation with the Aviation Corps became a thing when Gallinore needed a base for its ground based Fighter squadrons and a hub between the orbital ships and the planet. Build out of necessity, it stands guard, ever vigilant over Dimitor, Gallinore's capital. It is currently seeing use as a favourable training base for novice pilots. Ducha Zhan's flight training took place here and she still considers it a second home. Recently, the base has allowed civilian pilots to use its facilities and welcomes novice civilian pilots to learn there.... in the hopes that they can use it as a recruiting campaign geared convincing younger aviators to join the Navy.
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