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Character Roan Kir

Star Wars-loving dog thing


HeightFive feet, ten inches
WeightOne hundred sixty pounds
Force SensitiveN/A


Roan Kir stands at five feet, ten inches tall and weighs a solid 160 pounds. Like many other Mandalorians, she has quite a bit of muscle mass, but Clan Kir’s harsh lifestyle keeps even the strongest warriors on the lean side. As such, Roan’s muscles are more wiry than bulky, and they’re often concealed beneath whatever she’s wearing. In true Mandalorian fashion, it’s next to impossible to find Roan when she isn’t wearing her signature armor.

The armor that Roan wears contains black, gray, and teal pieces pulled together by occasional white accents. The left shoulder pauldron is teal with black stripes, inspired by those on a clawcat’s pelt. Her right shoulder is protected by a pauldron marked with Clan Kir’s signet: a snarling clawcat. Her cybernetic arm, which begins just above her right elbow, boasts the same black and teal color scheme in keeping with Clan Kir tradition. She wears a white cloak around her shoulders and keeps the tooth of an icewolf hanging from her belt as a morbid sort of good luck charm.

On the rare occasion that she isn’t armor-clad, Roan’s human heritage is immediately obvious at a single glance. She has fair skin randomly speckled with freckles, beauty marks, and scars. The most recognizable of these marks is the large birthmark that takes up almost the entire left side of her face. This mark is only a few shades lighter than the dark brown color of her eyes. Her hair is also quite dark, appearing closer to black than brown, and she almost always wears it pulled back from her face in some way.


Beskar body armor.
Beskar helmet equipped with integrated HUD, rangefinder, and thermal and night vision modes.
Black gambeson.
Heavy combat boots with retractable ice traction spikes.

E-10 blaster rifle.
DL-18 blaster pistol.
Energy bow.
Vambrace-mounted flamethrower.
Vambrace-mounted retractable vibroblades.

Hip holsters.
Razor net rounds.
Personal distress beacon.
Short range wrist-mounted comm link.
Utility belt.
Vambrace-mounted grappling lines.
Vambrace shield projector.


Like many Mandalorians, Roan Kir is a product of her environment. Being raised in an unforgiving environment has made her as tough as the landscape that she calls her home. Aside from her mental resilience, Roan believes that she owes her bullheadedness, skepticism, and practicality to her status as a member of Clan Kir. It’s thanks to these qualities that she feels comfortable facing every challenge head on, as it’s the only way she knows how.

Roan is generally quite stoic in her day to day life. She never deliberately minces her words, preferring to speak directly or not at all. This is the result of years of being conditioned to understand that living to see tomorrow is never a given, and that remaining vigilant is often the difference between life and death. It’s thanks to this mindset that Roan has been molded into a resourceful and knowledgeable survivalist with an impressive ability to maintain a level head under immense pressure.

Even the most capable warriors have their weaknesses, however, and Roan’s is her difficulty managing her emotions. She is naturally closed off to others and struggles to parse through her own feelings. This can make her come across as cold or aloof, though it’s certainly the lesser of two evils when compared to her temper–which she shares in common with her mother. As an adult, Roan has managed to control it better, but she’s still prone to exploding when someone pushes her far enough.

Despite how serious she may seem, it’s worth noting that Roan does have a sense of humor. It’s a dry and occasionally abrasive sense of humor, but a sense of humor nonetheless. A tell-tale sign that Roan enjoys the company of another person is when she starts making jokes about them or around them. This tends to be about as deep as she allows her interpersonal relationships to become beyond her clan, though there’s no denying that she is quite curious about what people beyond her little corner of the galaxy are like.


Hand-to-Hand Combat -
Although Clan Kir relies mainly on long-range weaponry to secure their food, they know better than to raise warriors who can’t fight in close quarters. Roan particularly enjoys hand-to-hand combat and often spars with other members of her clan to keep her skills sharp. Despite the loss of her arm, she’s even managed to maintain her mean right hook.

Hunting & Tracking - Hunting is one of the first things that a member of Clan Kir learns how to do. Over the course of her life, Roan has learned how to hunt, set and bait traps, skin prey, and prepare various meats. Hunting so frequently has made her extremely handy with long-range weapons–especially her energy bow–and has taught her how to excel at tracking.

Survival Knowledge - As is necessary to thrive in the Staghnauk Mountains, Roan is equipped with a great deal of survival knowledge. This includes an understanding of land, flora, and fauna, as well as how to navigate without a compass or map. Additionally, Roan knows how to administer basic first aid, build shelters, and start fires.


Driven -
Once Roan sets her mind to something, it’s next to impossible to get her to back down from her goal. This is especially true when she’s tasked with assignments by members of Clan Kir. Even if they prove to be challenging, Roan will do everything in her power to see that they are done–and done well.

Level-headed - Roan’s ability to maintain her cool is the product of years of training complemented by real life experiences. The brutality of the Staghnauk Mountains has shaped her into a warrior who seldom panics, and this is reflected in the way that she remains calm and calculating in the most dire of situations. Whether it’s alone or in the presence of others, Roan can be relied on to remember her training and navigate the situation without breaking a sweat.

Resourceful - Growing up in an exceptionally harsh environment certainly has its advantages, and Roan has certainly reaped them. Above all else, she has learned to be exceptionally resourceful. This comes in handy during times of the year where supplies or food are scarce, and proves to be even more useful when Roan finds herself in engagements with fearsome creatures. Time and time again, she’s shown that her resourcefulness and quick thinking can save her life when need be.


Hot-tempered -
Since she was a little girl, Roan has always had a bit of a temper–though it only tends to rear its ugly head when her buttons are pushed by other people. At best, she’ll walk away and try to cool off or say a few things that she doesn’t mean. At worst, she might just end up throwing a few punches.

Skeptical - Roan possesses a degree of skepticism beyond what someone might consider healthy. This is due to a variety of reasons, such as her sheltered upbringing, her mother’s influence on her, and her knowledge of Mandalorian history. All of these things have made Roan incredibly hesitant to trust anyone beyond Clan Kir. Since she’s constantly expecting the worst from people, she often jumps to her own conclusions and struggles to make meaningful connections with people she meets. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this also makes her quite paranoid around others.

Stubborn - Roan’s stubbornness is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows her to follow through on any goals she sets. On the other, it can make her quite disagreeable–especially when her ideals are challenged. This also means that it takes a tremendous amount of effort and patience to change her mind, as sometimes Roan is more comfortable attempting to deny reality than she is having her perception of the world altered.


The birth of Clan Kir was the inevitable result of two particular Mandalorian traits: a natural inclination toward a nomadic lifestyle and an indomitable spirit. When the first members of Clan Kir stumbled upon the Staghnauk Mountains of Mandalore, they knew that they would be the ones to lay claim to one of the most inhospitable environments their homeworld had to offer. True to their roots, the earliest members of Clan Kir moved with the changing of the seasons, bringing their village, which they called Laamyc Morut, with them–but never leaving the Staghnauk Mountains.

As Clan Kir grew, so did their understanding of and reverence toward the mountains and the creatures who called them home. Above all other beasts, they respected the clawcats; remarkably fast and dexterous predators that dominated the local food chain. This admiration for clawcats led to their eventual status as sacred to the people of Clan Kir. Clawcats became integral to the identity of Clan Kir, reflected in their signet and certain elements of their armor. Even the ambush tactics used by the clawcats when hunting their prey became a favored hunting strategy of the Clan.

For many generations, Clan Kir perfected the art of existing in harmony with the mountains. They relished the hunt that the mountains offered in the form of various dangerous creatures. Their near total isolation molded them into hardened and capable warriors, offering them plenty of danger to dance with every single day. Any brushes they had with other remote clans were fairly neutral, though alliances cropped up whenever a particularly promising opportunity presented itself. It was one such alliance that would lead to the existence of Roan and her siblings.

Braving the bone-chilling cold and the howling winds, a young Tau Cra'tok of the distant Clan Cra'tok made the journey to the Staghnauk Mountains alone. To strengthen the bonds between Clan Kir and Clan Cra'tok, his marriage to Azha Kir had been arranged, and the two were wed shortly after his arrival at Laamyc Morut. Azha Kir was soon appointed the new chieftain of Clan Kir, and she quickly earned the respect and trust of her people when she forged strong bonds between Clan Kir and Clan Cra'tok, even going so far as to make connections with the elusive Clan Tyrn.

Not long after the unification of the clans, Azha and Tau welcomed their first child, a daughter named Rhea. Two years after that, their first and only son, Rett, was born. Another two years passed before the birth of Roan, their youngest and final child.

It was obvious very early on that Rhea would likely be the next chieftain of Clan Kir. She was Azha's daughter, after all, and they were alike in so many ways. Rett was a great warrior in his own right, but everyone in Clan Kir had an unspoken understanding that he was destined to become Rhea's right hand when the time came. Growing up, Roan deeply admired her older siblings in the same way she did her parents. It was hardly a surprise to her when her training began, and the responsibility was split between her parents, who both had their hands full training Rhea and Rett.

Roan didn't mind this arrangement, however, and thoroughly enjoyed that the bulk of her earliest training took place alongside her siblings. She always felt she learned the most with Rhea by her side, and her favorite part of training with Rett was how often he would make her laugh. A year later, when Rhea completed her verd'goten, Roan's training was placed solely in the hands of her mother. Though she thrived under the tutelage of Azha, she couldn't help but miss the useful tips her sister gave her when she was struggling or the levity that her brother brought to even the most stressful situations.

Fortunately for Roan, Rett's successful verd'goten meant that both of her siblings were perfectly capable of giving her direction. Whenever they could, they arranged for spars, training sessions, and minor hunting expeditions to further her understanding of their clan’s warrior ways. Roan excelled under the guidance of her family, and by the time her verd'goten came around, she felt well prepared to undergo it. At the tender age of 13, Roan was given a day's worth of rations, a game sled, a kal, and an energy bow. Then, she was sent off to ascend the highest peak of the mountain range and take down an icewolf all on her own.

The ascent was every bit as challenging as Roan expected it to be. The grueling climb took roughly three days thanks to a blend of foul weather, hunting detours, and several feet of snow. Shortly after her arrival at the summit, Roan began tracking an icewolf. Unbeknownst to Roan, the beast's mate had begun tracking her, and seconds before she could ambush the icewolf, its mate leaped out of the shadows and attacked her.

Roan attempted to scramble out of the way, but the massive beast managed to catch her right arm. Both Roan and the icewolf were sent sprawling across the snow, and a brief struggle ensued that sent them both tumbling over the side of a steep, craggy drop. Roan's fall was broken by her mangled right arm, which shattered on impact against the icy stone below, and the pain was so intense that she immediately lost consciousness. When next she woke, it was to the sound of claws scraping against ice.

She opened her eyes to see the icewolf digging a hole near the edge of a frozen stream. It was immediately clear to her that this place would become her grave if she didn't play her cards right. Despite the agony she was in, Roan managed to stay calm as she slowly reached for her kal and waited for the icewolf to come back within her reach. When it returned to pick her up and carry her to her icy tomb, Roan plunged her kal into the icewolf's throat over and over again.

This time, the struggle ended in Roan's favor. Soaked in blood and barely clinging to consciousness, she dressed her wounds as best she could before returning to where she'd left her game sled. Once she’d loaded her kill onto the game sled, she began her descent, knowing that stopping would surely mean death. Roan preserved her energy by sliding down the snowy mountain whenever she could. It felt like an eternity had passed by the time she made it back to her village, and she collapsed before she could even make her arrival known.

Luckily, Clan Kir's night watch found her just in time to save her life. A feverish Roan was immediately taken to Clan Kir's medic, who performed an emergency amputation of her right arm. Technically speaking, Roan's verd'goten had been a success, and she was rewarded with her proper Mandalorian armor on the tail end of her recovery.

Word of Roan's verd'goten made it as far as Clan Tyrn, who gifted her a cybernetic replacement for the lost limb on their next visit. Roan graciously accepted, throwing herself head-first into learning to use it. Her bonds with her siblings became even stronger than before as they made a concentrated effort to help her heal both physically and mentally. Over the next few years, Roan trained twice as hard as she ever had just to get back to where she'd been.

By the time she was seventeen years old, she was finally starting to feel like bridging the gap was possible. As fate would have it, Clan Kir had recently caught wind of massive beasts congregating near the foot of the Staghnauk Mountains, and a large hunting expedition was arranged. With some encouragement from her siblings, Roan opted to join the hunting party, and they soon set off from Laamyc Morut for their destination.

Their search brought them to a lake at the foot of the mountains, where they set up camp to rest after a long day of travel. It was early in the evening when a nashtah lunged out of the water and snatched one of Rhea’s legs, dragging her into the lake as it went. Several other nashtahs emerged from the water and the nearby tree-line, triggering a massive and frantic firefight. In the end, Clan Kir emerged victorious, but Rhea had succumbed to her injuries.

The group drew back to the mountains to give Rhea a proper funeral. Clan Kir was devastated by the sudden loss, and Azha and Tau were distraught over the fact that their daughter would never take her eventual place as the leader of the Clan. Even Rett's mischievous spark had been dulled by Rhea's untimely death. Roan grappled with feelings of guilt, lying awake at night and wondering whether she could've made a difference. She placed the blame squarely on her own shoulders, and she didn't understand how the world could keep turning without Rhea in it.

Still, time passed, and it was soon decided that Rett would be prepared for the potential role of chieftain of Clan Kir. Like Rhea, he accompanied Azha on everything from hunting trips to visits to sister clans. Roan noticed that while he carried out his duties, it always seemed like he was taking off whenever he had a moment to himself–sometimes even for days at a time. Yet, she found herself just as surprised as everyone else when he disappeared without warning one night.

Naturally, that meant that Roan would have to fill Rhea's shoes and make up for Rett abandoning the clan. Roan rose to the challenge without so much as a second thought, feeling like she owed it to Rhea and the rest of Clan Kir to do so. Since then, she has been working tirelessly to prepare herself for the possibility of leading Clan Kir, all while trying to ignore the small voice in the back of her mind that urges her to try and find her missing brother, even if the rest of Clan Kir treats him as if he's just as dead as Rhea.
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