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Robb "Rusty" Killian

JUST FOR FUN: A little video to set the mood :)


Robb at 24 (Left) Robb at 26 (Right)

(I do not own, nor did I create, these images. I am merely using them to visually represent this character.)

NAME: Robb Killian
FACTION: The Lost Cause
RANK: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Smuggler
SPECIES: Human (Nar Shaddaa)
AGE: 24 (26 post time-skip)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters (Approx. 5'11")
WEIGHT: 81.6 Kilograms (Approx. 180 Lbs)
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Short, Dark Brown
FACIAL HAIR: Light Stubble
SKIN: Fair
Gang tattoos on left arm, tattoo across upper back (shoulder blades), pale eyes, Facial scar on left cheek.
ALIASES: Rusty, Killer
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Robb does not, and will probably never know)

LIVING FAMILY: [member="Jekell Killian"] (Estranged Father)




(+)Adventurous: A willingness to explore can provide many opportunities for a young spacer.
(+)Calm: A level head in a difficult situation can be deadlier than any blaster.
(+)Agile: Running through an urban jungle teaches a man how to go with the flow.
(+)Eager to learn: An eagerness to learn can take a man far in the galaxy.

(+/-)Soft at Heart: A kind heart can both help and hinder a man as he makes his way through the galaxy.
(+/-)Curious: The pursuit of knowledge is all well and good, but be wary of the cat's tale...
(+/-)Long Memory: Never forget a slight, always appreciate a kindness.

(+/-)Adrenaline Junky: Robb likes to get his blood pumping.

(-)Stutter: A rough childhood can lead to many kinds of psychological trauma. Oddly enough he speaks fluent basic, and sometimes Huttese, when intoxicated.
(-)Drifter: A fondness of change and travel can make it difficult to commit to a cause or home.
(-)Timid around women: Knowing how to talk to members of the opposite sex can be a difficult skill to master, let alone understand.
(-)Profligate: Spending money can be a lot easier than making money.


(+)Good driver: You pick up a few things running with a swoop gang.
(+)Patient: It is important for a man to wait for the opportune moment and to seize it before it slips away.
(+)Fights dirty: You pick up a few more things running with a swoop gang.

(+/-)Brawler: What he lacks in training he makes up for in enthusiasm and experience.
(+/-)Berserker/Battle Rhythm: When under great duress (or under the influence of adrenal stimulants), Robb sometimes enters a berserk state. This state, along with this surname, has earned him the nickname "Killer" among his crew.

(-)Green: Robb still has a lot to learn.
(-)Hesitant: Sometimes the opportune moment slips away before you can seize it.

(-)Weak Swimmer: Growing up on Nar Shaddaa never provided Robb with ample
opportunities to learn.


Swoop racing: Racing reminds Robb of his youth.
A good drink: It loosens his tongue and makes him more confidant.
Fighting: Though Robb is not pugnacious, nothing gets his blood pumping like a good fight.
Humility: Braggarts have always rubbed Robb the wrong way, figuring if a person deserved praise they wouldn't need to ask for it.


Unnecessary Public Speaking:
Robb's childhood stutter, though mostly outgrown, has a tendency to flare up at the worst possible moments, lending to a long held fear of public speaking.
Arrogance: See "humility" above.
Force Users: Robb has never trusted force users, believing that they are too powerful for their own good.
Black Sun: The Black sun had a negative effect of Robb's upbringing, and he holds a grudge to this day.



Robb is man of average height and weight, maintaining a certain degree of physical fitness in order to remain effective in his work. That said, he is neither overly brawny nor too skinny. His left arm is covered, shoulder to elbow, by an array of gang-related tattoos from his youth, and he also has the words "Lost Cause" tattooed across his upper back in huttese text (as opposed to aurebesh). The rest of Robb's body is free of scars and tattoos (so far). Robb's dark brown hair is cut functionally short. While he is generally clean shaven, Robb occasionally allows a light stubble, and sometimes even a short beard, to grow when he does not feel like grooming.


Though relatively green, Robb understands that functionality is more important than fashion. Underneath his gear Robb typically wears a black, long-sleeved, shirt preferring to roll his sleeves around his forearms to prevent them from bunching up around his wrists. Additionally Robb wears grey cargo pants, designed for utility, accompanied with simple, yet durable, boots. Robb has also been known to don a black skullcap on occasion.



Chapter 1: Nar Shaddaa

Robb grew up in the high rises of Nar Shaddaa's Corellian sector and was raised by his parents, Jekell Killian was a janitor and window washer (Robb knew nothing of his father's life as a "cleaner" for Black Sun), and his mother, Ielai Killian worked as an accountant/numbers runner for the Black Sun Syndicate. Robb lived with his parents and worked as a window washer with his father until he ran away from home at the age of seventeen. Having few options available to him Robb joined a local swoop gang, The Blood Stripes, and never looked back.

Running with the "Stripes" had its perks; Robb had free room and board so long as he remained loyal and did as he was told. The gang took care of him and him of them. Life in the gang was not even that bad, legally speaking. In reality the gang simply raced swoop-bikes in planetary circuits (albeit illegally) and hung out in local dives and cantinas, acting tough. For the next year life was good, the gang was small time and they all knew it, at least until they got involved with the Black Sun Syndicate.

As the Black Sun expanded their control over Nar Shaddaa, they began to employ local muscle to facilitate local relations and develop new investments. So when Black Sun came to the Corellian district, The Stripes as Robb had known them ceased to exist. Under the Black Sun the Stripes became involved in various criminal pursuits including: narcotics and arms trafficking, racketeering, extortion, robbery, and theft. The gang had changed directions, and it was not long until Robb felt he had to do the same, and so one night he quietly booked passage off-world, turning his back on the Blood Stripes for good.

Chapter 2: Making a Name

Over the next two years Robb made a point of visiting as many worlds within the outer rim territories as he could, working a series of odd jobs to fill his pockets and his belly. He lived hand to mouth for a while until finding himself tending bar in a backwater dive on the seedy side of Tatooine. It was there that Robb became indebted to one Captain [member="Marik Yadnus Bodonawieedo"], who would become his friend and mentor. The Captain employed Robb aboard his ship until the young spacer could pay off his debts.

Under Marik's employ Robb learned the various skills required to survive in the galaxy, namely how to properly fight, shoot, fly, and hunt. Marik and his crew operated throughout the outer-rim territories as mercenaries and smugglers, occasionally engaging in bounty hunting for the Hutt Cartel. Over time Robb and Marik's crew developed a reputation as capable outer-rim hunters and smugglers. Robb spent the next few years travelling the galaxy under Marik's tutelage, taking jobs wherever he could find them. It was during this time where he met the assassin [member="Korin Undoli"] while both men stalked the same target. The pair decided that they would have a better chance of success should they work together, and so began their professional (and personal) friendship.

Chapter 3: Turning Points

It was not long after Robb and Korin established their professional alliance when Undoli approached Robb with a lucrative job offer. The details were sketchy, Robb would be only be briefed after he accepted the job. Robb was suspicious at first, but when Korin let slip that each hand would receive a small fortune upon completion, Robb could hardly refuse. After all, Korin wouldn't get him into anything they couldn't handle. So with Marik's blessing, Robb departed with Korin.

The job took the duo to Alderaan where they joined a ragtag group of mercenaries on their mission, which ultimately culminated in the assassination of a prominent statesman from house Organa as well as the destruction of several thousand acres of woodland. The team met heavy resistance during the job and there were only three survivors from their team, as far as Robb is aware, including Korin and himself.

Chapter 4: Lost Causes and Other Acts of Defiance

After collecting his payment for the Alderaan job Robb lay low in the outer rim and waited for things to blow over. It wasn't long afterward that he made the acquaintances of three other outlaws; [member="Corvetta Salvo"], [member="Kohai Drenn"], and [member="Davik Tren"].

Robb pooled what was left of his credits with that of the three outlaws and together they purchased their new ship, an old YT-2400, dubbing it The Lost Cause
. The following weeks were filled with adventure, profit, and general lawlessness as the crew made a name for themselves smuggling cargo across the galaxy in the midst of a galaxy at war.

Their renown brought them to the attention of other like-minded individuals, particularly one [member="Jace Trent"], who suggested an amicable alliance between the two crews. Soon enough more and more renegades joined their merry band, leading to the formation of the Smugglers' Alliance, with which Robb currently serves to this day.

(more to follow as life goes on, cheers and thanks for reading.)



TENLOSS CORPOATION WARRIOR HELM: A gift from the pirate [member="Marik Yadnus Bodonawieedo"] upon saving his life, Robb only uses this expensive, and incredibly heavy helmet, when absolutely necessary. It is custom fitted to his head. A few scars and scorch-marks dot its exterior, proving that it has saved his life more than once.

RD-07A "SPIDER" GLOVES: Robb wears specially designed black, grip-enhancing, gloves as well. These gloves consist of a high-friction gripping material comprised of thousands of interlocking microscopic projections which provide unparalleled gripping capabilities whether the surface is dry, wet, dusty (or covered in mud, sweat, or blood). At least that's what the brochure said.

(MODIFIED) TH-21A MAG-BOOT FRAMES: These detachable magnetic boot frames were designed to prevent window-washers and janitors from falling while on the job. A creative man could apply these to many an interesting task. Robb's frames are modified with small thrusters, designed to fire in short bursts to break and otherwise lethal fall.

"SLIGHTLY" USED FIELD SURVIVAL VEST: This lightly armored vest/cuirass is capable of defending the body from small arms fire.


USED SOB/OS HOLSTER: Holster's Robb's carbine

KI-113 Revolver: Robb's weapon of choice, a reliable blaster.

USED C-61 FIELD SURVIVAL CARBINE: Helps Robb survive in the field.

VIBROBLADE - COMBAT KNIFE: Robb's combat knife, stored in a boot sheath.

CRYOBAN GRENADES: Robb acquired a fondness for CryoBan grenades while on a job with the Smuggler's Alliance. He has made a point of carrying a few at all times ever since.


(STOLEN) RASSILON-CLASS ELITE STARFIGHTER (RED) - "The Blood Stripe" (Currently in need of major repairs)

Honorary crewman of [member="Marik Yadnus Bodonawieedo"] 's ship, MC15 NIATHAL-CLASS SHUTTLE - "Wasted Fortune"

Serves as gunner, occasionally co-pilot, "security coordinator", and general crew member aboard the YT-2400, the "Lost Cause" .

[member="Marik Yadnus Bodonawieedo"] (Mentor, ex-captain, and friend.)

[member="Korin Undoli"] (Friend and known accomplice.)

[member="Corvetta Salvo"] (Friend and crew member aboard the Lost Cause.)

[member="Kohai Drenn"] (Friend and crew member aboard the Lost Cause.)

[member="Davik Tren"] (Friend and crew member aboard the Lost Cause.)


no one of note (no players)


none of note (no players)


Role-plays: (no where near up to date)


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