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Roble Manufacturing is always delighted to contribute to the defense of the Confederacy, Fondor, and by those means Roble Manufacturing's assets. Your order is approved, but we request that you keep the extra two-hundred and fifty thousand credits and instead divert them towards other worthy pursuits and funds. Ensuring the safety of the Confederacy is a gift enough.
My Corporation SularenCo would like to request a licence for the production of the TVX-165 Cylai-Type Security Droid. If that isn't possible then i'd like to purchase a thousand TVX-165s instead.
Unfortunately, the production rights of the TVX-16S are reserved by Roble Manufacturing and subsidiaries exclusively. However, would a constant-replenishment arrangement between Roble Manufacturing and SularenCo, in which Roble Manufacturing agrees to provide however many units SularenCo requires and replenish any expended units in return for a constant compensation of credits, be a suitable arrangement? If not, Roble Manufacturing is happy to ship the one-thousand units you requested as an alternative.
I'm currently in the process of acquiring my own ride and I'm looking for products that are suitable for a Light Freighter. I'm currently most interested in the items listed below, however you have many high grade products that I could spend hours looking through. Perhaps you'd have some advice for someone like myself.
Roble Manufacturing is always eager to help budding shipwrights! In addition to your already-requested materials and components, we would suggest the following:
In addition, we would caution you on the installation RMT-TR8 Hamada Tractor Beam Generator, due to the fact that the generator, like most tractor beams, cannot effectively tractor in anything with a larger mass than your ship. However, that is not to say that a tractor beam generator would not be useful. If you desire, the components listed above will be shipped in the numbers needed to manufacture your ship along with the already-requested components. Thank you for shopping at Roble Manufacturing!
Your advice is extremely appreciated, and I will be going forward with the purchase thank you brother. If I'm ever in further need, you'll be seeing a return customer no doubt!
Hey I'm looking to get my old corporation back up to spec and would like to buy a few things to help form the core of a civilian fleet. I need:
2 Venture mining barges
1 Bowhead bulk freighter
1 Orca refinery
8 Units of your fire suppression system
8 SAMS units Alban Roble