Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Robusto

FACTION: None (At the moment)

RANK: Outlaw


AGE: 43

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 3'11"

WEIGHT: 83 lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: Orange


FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but very minorly


+ ​Master Thief: Robusto was the best thief on his home planet of Tynna.
+ Just a Touch: Robusto has a very slight force connection that allows him to silence his footsteps and increase his maneuverability as well as jump higher.
+/- Always Positive: Robusto is always positive in speech and action and
+/- Small Frame: Robusto is smaller than the average being, meaning he can fit into smaller spaces, but he is of course still smaller than the average being, which makes hand to hand combat more difficult.
+/- Light: Robusto is relatively light, making him more maneuverable but less worthy for close combat.
+/- Attention Seeker: Robusto loves to be recognized and actively seeks attention.
- Recognizable: Robusto definitely sticks out in a crowd as he is short, brightly colored and typically loud.
- Outlaw: Robusto is a criminal in lots of places in the galaxy, which means he has to attempt to keep his head down in lots of places.
- Exiled: Robusto was exiled from his home world, which deeply roots resentment and regret in him which he bottles up and never addresses.
- Combat Unworthy: Robusto in not a good combatant whatsoever, although he is a little bit better than terrible with a blaster.

Robusto is a short, bright coy looking furred mammal that trys to put a smile on everybody's face.

Robusto was born to a poor family in the heart of the capital of his species' home world, Tynna. He grew up in the inner city, and never got good grades in the local school. He was always loved by his fellow students for his superior pranks and jokes that eventually got him kicked out of school for good. Just before he reached adulthood his father died. To support his family, he began a life of burglary. He had been thieving for 20 years before he realized how good he was. He decided, as a publicity stunt, to steal the monarch of the planet's crown from his own head. He planned with other master thieves for about 10 years, then, while the monarch addressed an issue the people, while donning invisibility technology, Robusto achieved his goal. He was found and exiled from the planet two years later. He was distraught. After leaving his home, he began to explore the galaxy looking for purpose once more.


Maybe one or two law enforcers or guards.



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