Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rocco Morsheru

Rocco Morsheru



R O C C O - M O R S H E R U

  • Faction: Hutt Space Consortium
    Rank: Black Marketeer & Smuggler
    Species: Rishii
    Age: 70 years old
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'9 tall
    Weight 140 lbs
    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Multi-Color
    Skin: Multi-Color
    Force Sensitive: No
    Partner: Karkosuchus

    Appearance: Colorful and Sneaky, Rocco Morsheru is a Rishii Black Marketeer and Partner of Karkosuchus. His small but impressive beak is a mixture of black and white. His eyes are small and round, with a black coloration to them. He usually wears large brimmed hat, armor and a robe. Covering himself in all manner of tools and gadgets to support his black market operations. His feathers are a multi-colored which gives him a unique appearance when compared to other Rishii within the galaxy. He is quite average in height, being 5'9 and 140 pounds which makes him faster than his partner. Giving them speed and strength to accomplish any task that they currently face.


  • S T R E N G T H
    • Expert Gunslinger
    • Underworld Connections
    • Outlaw Tech

    N E U T R A L
    • Ambitious
    • Observant
    • Businesslike

    W E A K N E S S
    • Fragile Bones
    • Untrustworthy
    • Talks too much

  • Rocco Morsheru was born on Rishi during the rule of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire. Born into a family of three other brothers was difficult due to his unnatural skin coloration while regarded as beautiful was strange and uncharacteristic of a Rishii. This alienated him from those within his tribe and developed him into a troublesome youth who picked fights with anyone he saw regardless of the consequences. A few months of his reckless behavior was enough for the tribe to banish him, forbidding him from ever returning to them on pain of death. Young Rocco would despise his parents for allowing his banishment to happen without saying a word. Although he didn't know at the time that his parents tried to prevent his banishment but the chief elder disregarded their words. Out on his own with no tribe willing to accept him, Rocco would begin a career in selling exotic goods that he had stolen from foreigners visiting his homeworld. He often marked up prices on the items, with a single credit being worth 10 shells.

    Although having no formal education, Rocco would read books stolen from foreigners. Learning to speak galactic basic with a distinct accent, which helped him develop foreign language skills which he had used in his later life. Business Management and Financial Gain were topics of interest for the young rishii, allowing him to grow his exotic goods business on the planet 10 fold. The Young Rishii would eventually close his doors when a crime syndicate landed on the planet looking for recruits among the populace. Rocco joined the crime syndicate without a second thought and volunteered to smuggle illegal equipment across planetary borders. The Capo of the Crime Syndicate would grant him his request and give ownership of a small shuttle, although not large could carry a decent amount of cargo across borders without appearing suspicious. Rocco was mainly halling spice between various planets, until coming across an abandoned starship drifting in an asteroid field. It was clear that the ship crashed into the asteroid and the crew perished.

    Young Rocco explored the abandoned starship, looking for anything of value that he could bring back to the Capo. Although all he had found was Clone War Era Technology. A thought popped into his head, exchanging all the spice on board his vessel for the technology. Rocco would abandon the syndicate due to discovering a new business venture. Founding an Technology Emporium on the world of Nar Shaddaa, and taking in all manner of Black Market Materials. His Emporium's reputation grew due to the quality of its wares. He met his partner-in-crime when the Saruton Mercenary was tracking down a quarry which visited the emporium. After helping the saruton find his prey using the emporium's records, Rocco decided to join him in his venture. Becoming his partner and acting as the brains of the entire operation.

    This partnership proved successful and the pairs reputation grew, although one day when they were taking a job for the Besadii Hutt Clan. Rocco and Karkosuchus was contacted by the Oracle of Rishi, Lord Ikrarbyec. The Rishi Oracle explained that rocco was the fourth cousin of the sith lord, which shocked rocco but he had heard his mother and father talk about their uncle who lived high in the mountaintops. Shocked at first but eventually accepting this fact, Rocco would begin accepting jobs from his uncle.

    These jobs got him into trouble with the Galactic Alliance, who locked him away in jail for 10 years due to exporting illegal disruptor weaponries to a planetary rebellion. Serving his jail time, Rocco would rejoin Karkosuchus within a local cantina on Nal Hutta. Catching up on the good times that they had and waiting for the next job opportunity. Karkosuchus informed him that he was working for the Hutt Space Consortium and had already did several successful missions. Rocco would be interested in expanding his underworld connections and also joined the growing faction.

    He would establish himself as a Smuggler and Black Marketeer, having a reputation for making loopholes in agreements where there are no loopholes, charging high interest rates for the smallest of things and much worse. Although he can still get you exotic things for half the cost of other smugglers of the same skill level. Which makes him a favorite client among the Underworld Elite.

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