Within the Generator Asteroid
[SIZE=10pt]@[member="Judah Dashiell"][/SIZE] @[member="Velok"]
[SIZE=10pt]The asteroid diversion worked, somewhat. The fighter swarm sent her way was forced to separate into more manageable groups and the Valor and Ascension scraped through the fighter screen that surrounded the Generator Asteroid. But that didn’t mean she went through unscathed, a few of her batteries had been blown out by more agile tie-fighter pilots. The Generator asteroid came into the view of the main monitors and the battle-screen. "Right, time for the main event gents!" Iron Maiden called out. She gestured to one of the communications officers calling them to call in the fighter units that had been mirroring their movements. [@[member="Judah Dashiell"]]. She then picked up her iconic bull-horned helmet and placed it over her head. The glow of her visors as it activate sparkled across her armor. She approached her main bridge command and relayed her orders.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"Shield to maximum, prepare jamming beam, target the origin of the shield's particle signature." Maiden was now standing right behind them in her intimidating armor wither hands on her hips. The Valor and Ascension projected their jamming beams. The shield which was projected on the monitors in a holographic glow began to flicker in and out of existence. Meanwhile, another alarm bell rang out. Ties fighters in coming! But, the timing wasn't all too bad. Time had come. Iron Maiden whipped her arm out and pointed to communications officer, "Call the lower decks! Scatter all fighters cover our approach!" The officer nodded and began sending out the commands. "Shield is down mam! We have approximately 10 min before re-boot and re-launch!" one of the bridge members called out. Iron Maiden smacked her fists together, "Excellent work gentlemen! Have the drop ships ready and get a squadron to break off and follow us in. Keep an eye on those Sith battleships around us!" Maiden said with an excited tone. Finally she would be in her real element- ground combat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]She left her bridge and descended into the bowls of the ship. There in all the glory and golden armor the brave men of the 39th Koros Major Battalion-pride of Empress Teta system- gather to her Maiden speak.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"Men! We have come far. Many paid the ultimate price for us to get to this point. We shall not disappoint them. Victory is the greatest offer we can give them in their memory! Now you will face hordes of Verpine and all the dark talent of the Sith Empire at this objective. A lot of dangerous and insanely brave soldiers await you as your foe" [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Maiden called and paused. The men stared back in amusement to see where this was going. She was just listing how difficult it was going to be. Then she spoke once more.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"Let's go beat the living life out of them and leave nothing left!" She roared. The Golden Companions laughed and then cheered in one deafening "YES MAIDEN!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The drop ships deployed and charged into the Generator. The fighters did their part as well, bombarding the hangar defences and blowing a part turret ramparts. Maiden then called the ships, "Gentlemen it has been a pleasure commanding you, your job here is finished. Take back the fighters and rendezvous with Admiral Stahlman. Good luck out there!" The bridge called back in confusion, "But mam! You retreat path?!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"Nevermind that! The other fleets need your presence go!" she barked back. The communications officer saluted and wished her good luck too. The fighters scattered back to the ships and kept their screen to protect them from the Sith fighter swarms as the retreating back towards Stahlman's position. Landing in the hangar they assault, Iron maiden leapt out and quickly went about her business of organizing her troops. With military hand gestures she orchestrated their movements, two lines, either sides of the corridors covering each other in X-patter lines of fire. If anything moved into their path they would immediately notice they were caught in a firing kill-zone. Holding onto her Z6 Rotary Blaster cannon, she waited as the moved up the hangar area.[/SIZE]