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Rocu'orose'daurderd (#42176)

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Welcome, Dr. Gaut

command: <open folder "Subject Listing">
command: <open file "42176">
command: <enable editing>

ID #: 42176
Real Name: Rocu'orose'daurderd
Species: Chiss
Experimental Splice Project: Felacatian & Homanan (Project # 312)
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 161 lbs
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel (in day light) and Red (in darkness)
Skin: Blue
(Last Updated: 01.1.6)


  • Loyal
  • Photo-Reclusive
  • Long, Sharp, Prehensile Tail
  • Hyper Developed Sense Of Balance
  • Night Vision
  • Hyper Fast Reflexes & Speed
  • Athletic Strength
  • Limited Stealth Capability


  • Schizoid Personality Disorder: Rocu's focus tends to drift from reality to introspection and fantasy. This isn't a complete shock, seeing how a controlled environment can encourage this kind of behavior. However, Rocu's case seems to be an outlier, in regards to the rest of the batch and previous batches. This hints at the fact that he was like this from the beginning. Possible Schizotypal (not certain).

  • Dependent Personality Disorder: Compared to others, Rocu seems to be more dependent on his "caretakers". However, he is also much more ingratiating with the staff than the others. A worthwhile trade-off, regarding our conditioning phase.

//: "Excited attention in the labs has been turned on one test subject in particular: #42176. For ease of reference, I shall call 42176 by the name of "Rocu". This isn't for the sake of whimsy. It just seems fitting to have the first test subject of this project be more memorable than a mere number. Rocu has been the first of many to finally overcome the fatality number that Phase 2 had become notorious for. In fact, his body seems to have accompanied the splicing quite well. Such an interesting specimen..."
//: "It is confirmed: Rocu has been successfully spliced with the target species. Although there have been no immediate physiological changes, we have finally noticed a sort of fleshy, yet tough growth forming on Rocu's coccyx. We have decided to monitor and wait to see what it develops into. The only other mildly noticeable thing to report is that Rocu's physical performance scores have been slightly better than typical Chiss performance at his age. He's taken well to his handler's, but exhibits reclusive behavior. Need to check for possible depression."
//: "The growth is, well, growing. It's sprouting outward, like a weed. It's becoming more supple and longer, but Rocu doesn't seem to be able to manipulate it. A shame. Oh, well. If this is the worst, then I'm happy with that. As he trains and the DNA catches together, Rocu's muscle mass is growing gradually; toning and firming further. His motions are becoming increasingly cat-like...but, to label it as simply feline is not enough. It's more than that. He walks around like a normal bipedal, his motions are fluid, yet guarded; almost as if he's perpetually least, just a little. He loves climbing and hates the heavy lifting."
//: "Rocu's personality disorders are becoming more clear. He's been talking to himself more frequently. It's nothing close to raving mad, but it's enough to make us concerned. He prefers the darkness to the light. Bright light makes him flinch and instinctively retreat, but he'll hold if he has to. The "growth" on the coccyx is much more defined, now. it's like rope, but still useless. Just longer and more obtrusive. Someone suggested cutting it off, but he was quickly shot down. His physical attributes are starting to shine. He's determined to break the records we've set based off of Olympic athlete standards. Also, now his skin is doing something funny in the darkness. Another development?"
//: "A year's work in review: Rocu definitely has a couple personality disorders. We suspect schizoid and dependent disorders. His agility and strength are amazing. While his strength is impressive, it's nothing too exceptional that the galaxy doesn't already have. His strength does, however, complement his agility very well. He's faster and more agile than anyone we've ever seen. His ability to master the obstacle course in short, impressive shrift has to do, in part, by his tail. That's right, he has a tail! It's a good thing we didn't snip it off early...Rocu appears to have a long, thin, yet durable, fully prehensile tail. The tip of it is hardened and not very flexible. However, it's capable of cutting through durasteel. He can see very clearly in the dark...Speaking of dark, I need to explain that one bit about the funny thing his skin was doing in the dark. Although his body can't shapeshift as intended (a real shame, seeing as how that was one of the original purposes for this project), he can somewhat change the pigments of his skin cells to react to the absence, or near absence, of light. When in darkness or merely shadow, he can become invisible to the naked eye. All in all, I'm proud of what he's become...He's ready."

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