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Approved Location Rogue Squadron Monument

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In Umbris Potestas Est
  • Structure Name: Rogue Squadron Monument
  • Classification: Monument/Park
  • Location: Nathema
  • Affiliation: Nathema planetary government.
  • Accessibility: Open to the public. It's just a small park and monument.
  • Description: The structure consists of a grid of 12 1:1 scale models of TR-20 X-Wings. These TR-20 models have been painted in an approximation of the Rogue Squadron paint scheme. Within the cockpits of all 12 fighters are lifelike metal statues replicating the appearance of Galactic Alliance pilots. The pilot of Rogue 1 has a face covered by an oxygen mask while the pilots of Rogues 2-12 all have skulls for heads and no oxygen mask, signifying that they were killed or presumed killed during the battle. The X-Wings are arranged in a 3 wide by 4 long formation on raised granite plinths, with stone walkways in between each plinth like a grid to allow visitors to walk by. There are multiple benches located within the grid of the monument where people can sit. At the back of the 'flight' of X-Wings are holograms listing the names and likenesses of the Imperial pilots who died during the dogfight with Rogue Squadron.
The base of each plinth contains information about the Rogue Squadron pilot, including crimes made against the Empire. The first plinth also contains a hologram that details the heroism of the Sith pilots in destroying the Alliance's most infamous squadron. The hologram can answer some basic questions about the Battle of Corellia, albeit with a Sith-propagandistic viewpoint.

Low - only security is nearby police units.

In the wake of the Battle of Corellia, the effective annihilation of Rogue Squadron at the hands of Alpha Squadron was viewed as a propaganda victory despite the eventual forcing back of the Sith forces involved in the fight. In commemoration of their defeat, a monument was created in the image of the fallen Alliance squadron in order to remember their conquest at the hands of Alpha Squadron, and to remember the Imperial pilots who died during the battle. The monument was completed some couple of months after the battle had happened, and has drawn Imperial and non-Imperial citizens who follow the war tourism circuit to Nathema, modestly increasing planetary revenue.

OOC Note: This submission was created with the approval of [member="Rayf Vigil"], the person behind Rogue Squadron.
[member="Vanessa Vantai"]

Accessibility: Open to the public. It's just a
Your sentence got cut there :)

Description: The structure consists of a grid of 12 TR-20 X-Wings, acquired during the mass defection of Galactic Alliance fleet personnel to the Sith Empire.
Quoting directly from that sub: Who Can Use This: Galactic Alliance Rogue Squadron

It's one thing to make use of this in an RP, but if you want to use it in your Codex submission, permission from the original submitter is required. It's a small nuance between the usage of a sub IC and OOC. Rayf Vigil cannot give you the permission to use it in the sub as he is not the original submitter. If you could have the original writer post in this thread to give permission, that would be awesome. Otherwise, I'm going to have to ask you to swap it for different models.
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