Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Rogue" Vs "Prince"

Location: Outer Rim, Omwat​

Striding through the thigh high grass, feeling the individual blades brushing across her naked legs as the smaller blades were crushed under her strides, a purple skinned Togruta, scantly dressed with a dagger and blaster pistol strapped to her thigh the only signs that she could defend herself, strode confidently through the grasslands located just outside of the spaceport she had arrived at an hour previous.

Sighing in relief as her leather wrapped feet made contact with the grass, and through it, the energies of the world beneath her feet, Ryiah felt joy wash through her. For too long she had been trapped on dead, inorganic planets and ships, prevented from being able to make contact with the planet bellow her and feel the energies flowing through it and into her. As such, the relief was strong and evident in her expression.

Collapsing to the ground and feeling her loincloth drape between her legs, Ryiah completely submerged herself inside of the grass, hiding her from sight, even with her loud body colour, brown eyes staring at the sun suspended above her with glittering brown eyes.

Relaxing, Ryiah allowed herself to sink into the energies of Omwat, bathed in the golden glow of the sun.

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
A pale hand gently brushed along the tall grass, its fingers twirling through the blades. Enoch was dressed his usual clothing, black robes, with red tassels hanging off of his belt. His light saber sat on his waist, gently touching the grass as Enoch walked. Off in the distance, he spotted a figure. Why are they out here? Enoch should've asked the same question of himself. In his various travels, he spontaneously decided to explore Omwat, not sure why. Enoch sighed, grimacing.

As the figure dropped into the grass, Enoch began walking towards them. Why not? His boots trampled the grass underneath him as he moved, leaving a clear path behind him. As he approached, he noticed the figure was a Torguta, a rather beautiful one at that. Enoch simply moved to sit on the grass next to her, leaning back on his hands.

"Hello." This was how he lured them in, acting normal, when in fact a beast lay hidden deep under his skin.

[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]
A twitch ran along the face of Ryiah as her montral noticed the approach of someone, someone unknown to her. Acting quickly, although not physically, an emotional mask was fixed into place, hiding and protecting her true self from all. Shifting slightly as the figure settled into the midst of the grass next to her, muscles tensing in preparation to run as her life had taught her to do, Ryaih beamed a seductive smile towards the man.

"Hello, there." Her voice was kept sooth, soft, inviting and seductive, just as her lessons had taught her to do. "And what is such a handsome man doing here? Hm?" Her eyes sparked an artificial amusement as she stretched her senses, looking for the best path to take in case of a needed retreat.

Propping herself up, exposing her body even more to the male's eyes. "So, what's your name handsome?"

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]

OOC Note:
This is the first time I've wrote a character as 'flirty'. Can I get your opinion on how well I did, please?
Enoch's eyes quickly scanned the girls body, his face remaining still. He looked back up to her face, tilting his head to the side. Either she was simply a flirt, or a seductress. Enoch preferred she was the first, as he had no interest in dealing with someone trained to seduce and then kill.

"Ah...simply exploring. And why would you be out here? Rather boring..." Enoch's gaze moved out to the grass, his eyes scanning around. He kept a steady watch on the girl through the Force, looking to see if she made any moves towards him, violently or otherwise.

"My name's Enoch, what do they call you?" He moved his eyes back to her as she spoke, looking her up and down again. Damn, that was going to be distracting.

[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]

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