New Member

NAME: Rohak Varad
FACTION: Freelance
RANK: Self-employed
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.7 merers
WEIGHT: 89 kg
EYES: grayish-green
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Caucasian
• Excellent piloting skill and aerial marksmanship, this man does not fly a ship. He becomes the ship. He's decent with a pistol and a capable Rifleman, but where he really shines is in the seat of a Starfighter.
• Strong technical comprehension skills have been critical to his upbringing. Before he became a fighter pilot he was a mechanic working on clan owned ships.
• Prone to depression, Rohak can focus on the worst in life to the point of missing it's positive aspects. This can become a major distraction, one that will make it harder to focus on important tasks.
• Not a wrestler/boxer/scrapper, his ability to fight lies mostly in weapons. His performance in a fistfight is not particularly bad, it's just not good. Undisciplined, untrained. It's very 'meh' at best.
Rohak is moderately muscular with a fairly pale complexion from years in space.
He carries himself with a small degree of confidence that is and tends to be accompanied by his relaxed nature.
Varcopa, the Mandalorian word for a wish or dream.
For Venka'ra Betna her only son would be the realization of a lifelong dream, to become a mother. This, unfortunately, would not come to be. Due to unknown complications Venka'ra's heart stopped during labor and her son would never recieve the meaningful name she'd chosen for him.
Rohak, the Mandalorian word for defeat.
Adenn Varad, the father, would mark the passing of his wife with the birth of his son. Rohak would be his son's name and with it the defeat of Venka'ra's dream. Spite followed the constant reminder. He was not abusive to Rohak, but very cold. His child rearing had a closer resemblance to military conscription.
Growing up Rohak spent countless hours repairing starships to avoid his father and in doing so developed a mechanical competence toward most machinery and a 'figure it out' mentality. Math was taught to him in socket sizes and torque, science in horsepower and amperage, history in navicomputer diagnostics and so on. All the while he was not reclusive or antisocial, he was actually a very social and tactful person who made friendly relationships with both high and low ranking clan members alike. Unlike many mechanics Rohak is normally well-spoken, almost poetically at certain times. His recitation, or sometimes creation, of poems in tense situations helps him to steady his nerves.
At the age of 15 his cooperative and productive nature landed him in the seat of a brand new Ra'gr Superiority Starfighter in a squadron usually tasked with scouting out potential targets for raids. They would call the fleet if the target was worth attacking and maneuver the enemy into a kill box, typically resulting in a swift surrender.
Eventually it was his Scout Squadron that was targeted the same way. They came under attack by a small fleet of expert pirates. The pride of the small pirate fleet was a flawless N-5 starfighter flown by the skilled pilot who killed his squadron and crippled Rohak's fighter when they refused to surrender their ships.
With his engines destroyed they pulled him in by tractor beam to salvage the wreck and take the pilot for ransom but by the time the fighters had docked and their freighter began salvaging Rohak had laid a trap. His fighter had been equipped with only ion cannons. Diverting power from all of the other systems his damaged reactor had pooled enough energy into the capacitors for one last salvo.
The pirates knew not to pull the ship in with the guns pointing their direction but that too had been accounted for. As the fighter drew near to the cargo bay he opened his canopy to space causing the air in the cabin to explode out, flipping the ship just enough to point the guns at the hull of the freighter. With six point-blank ion strikes the ship went dark and the containment field covering the cargo bay failed, though fortunately it had been emptied to accommodate the salvaged fighter.
Both Rohak and his astromech made it into the open cargo bay which eventually had power restored. When the door opened Rohak was happy to introduce the responding crewmen to a cheap blaster.
Clan Varad arrived as the last pirate died and Rohak laid claim to the ace pilot's N-5 starfighter as a trophy and payment for the loss of his Ra'gr, which was soon replaced as a hyperdrive was a necessity in their profession. The N-5 was sold to a collector for a hefty price, due to their scarcity beyond Naboo.
Rohak would need the money at the age of 20, after an argument turned into a duel on Concordia. Neither would remember what started the fight but both would forever feel the result. Rohak lost the duel, taking a slug to the chest from his father's heirloom Enforcer pistol. Rohak fled the battle with fractured ribs from the impact. Though they healed discomfort in that area occurs on occasion.
He didn't return to Clan Varad, nor did he contact them. After spending some time working as a starship mechanic for MandalMotors he decided to get back in the saddle and become a freelance fighter pilot. Spreading the word through MandalMotors Rohak has reached out to the major clans for employment.
• Eukgar'gam
• Scout Carbine
• MM-27 'Charging Rhino'
• M1-L8 'Slate'
Built from spare parts, 'slate' had been long overdue for memory wipe before his previous owner, a low ranking clan pilot, collided with his opponent during a vicious dogfight. Rohak found his memory unit while salvaging the recovered wreck for usable parts and installed it in an incomplete M1 chassis he was building. Hearing the older pilots speak he came to the opinion that the more self-aware the droid was the better it would survive.
The droid does show give off some attitude but he's never had to ask it to perform repairs. The droid does, however, expect Rohak to maintain him regularly and has made it clear that he expects to be upgraded.
None at this time, has the funds to purchase one.