Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rok'taan

Age38 GSY
Height1.98 Meters
Weight91 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceAzog the Defilier (Manu Bennett)




Rok'taan embodies a warrior ethos defined by ambition, strength, and tactical brilliance. He is fearless and resilient, enduring hardships with pride and determination. Loyalty to his people is paramount, forming strong bonds of protection and support. Passionate and intense, Rok'taan approaches life with fervor, displaying bluntness and directness in his communication. He takes great pride in his cultural heritage, engaging in rituals and ceremonies that honor the Grysk culture. His competitive nature drives him to seek out challenges and prove his strength and superiority. So much so that he does not openly speak Basic, viewing it as "a soft language for a soft people", preferring to speak Grysk or Cheunh.


Warrior: Like many Grysk, Rok'taan comes from a long lineage of warriors and raiders. Since he was a youngling, he was taught how to use weapons of all sorts, from masers and lightning guns to bladed weapons of all sorts.

Leader: As the chieftain of his House, he is a gifted leader. He knows how to directly speak his wishes, and to seek out what things his people need. He will always place loyalty in his House above everything else.


Aggressive: Because of Grysk culture in general, Rok'taan is an acquired taste. Grysk tend to do all things in an aggressive, passionate manner. And Rok'taan is hardly different. He views the political arena as an intense battlefield. Some might think him barbaric, crude, or even animalistic.

Kratocratic: Despite all his loyalty to House and the Eternal Empire, Rok'taan does not tolerate weakness in either. He believes in strong, decisive leadership, and strong, healthy members of his House. Anyone who does not fit this dishonors both, and should be culled like a cancerous growth.

Rok'taan, born to the chieftain A'Trokh aboard a nomadic flotilla, is a member of the House of Vekmah, a prominent Grysk noble house known for its numerous loyal warriors. Raised in a culture of constant raids and plundering, Rok'taan was instilled with the values of strength and ambition. His aspirations grew beyond the traditional Grysk lifestyle, leading him to a bold move: he slew his father to take control of House Vekmah.

Initially, Rok'taan and his house joined the Eternal Empire, but their role was minor, providing Grysk soldiers as part of the larger Imperial forces. Despite their fierce reputation, they were just one of many groups contributing to the Empire's military might. During this time, Rok'taan observed and learned, positioning himself for future opportunities without drawing significant attention.

When the Eternal Empire collapsed, Rok'taan maintained the unity of his followers, rallying Grysk warriors and some Ultranauts who respected his leadership. As a warlord, he guided them through the ensuing chaos, ensuring their survival and maintaining their influence. His ability to adapt and navigate the shifting power dynamics kept House Vekmah intact.

With the resurgence of the Eternal Empire, Rok'taan now seeks to re-enter the political arena, aiming to secure a favorable position for his house. He offers his military expertise and loyal followers to the reformed Empire, determined to achieve the best for his people.
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