Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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role play information

so quick question i kinda finished with my character and posted the bio yesterday but for some reason my profile isn't showing it am i missing something or is it that only people viewing my profile have access to it.
I think this is what you're looking for (not sure)

Click "Select" beside your name. (On your's it will say "Kid Starburn")


Select the profile you want to use. If it's not listed here then you have not created a new profile.

If you mean your character biography, then it's located here

You can make your character biography appear on your profile by doing the following;

Click on "my profile"


Then click "edit my profile"


Then see where it says "character bio link", copy and paste the link of the above into the box, click save changes and now your biography will be easily accessible!


[member="Kid Starburn"]

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