Anyone up for a roleplay?
Noah Corek Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel Factory Judge Character Bio Oct 23, 2014 #2 [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"] I'd down for something.
Captain Falcor Character Oct 23, 2014 #3 Well, new char, could use some rp to kick him off! [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"]
Lena Abren-Rendix Character L Oct 23, 2014 #4 [member="Captain Falcor"]|[member="Noah Corek"] Okay, what do you guys want to do?
Noah Corek Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel Factory Judge Character Bio Oct 23, 2014 #5 [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"] What were you thinking of?
Sigourney Xanthius Warlord. Oct 24, 2014 #7 Lena Abren-Rendix said: Anyone up for a roleplay? Click to expand... Feel free to join It's an open cantina thread
Lena Abren-Rendix said: Anyone up for a roleplay? Click to expand... Feel free to join It's an open cantina thread
Lydeck Active Member Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #9 Sure, Im down. The nature of the rp doesn't bother me at all. Are you after a social rp? or perhaps something a bit more taxing? [Member=Lena Abren-Rendix]
Sure, Im down. The nature of the rp doesn't bother me at all. Are you after a social rp? or perhaps something a bit more taxing? [Member=Lena Abren-Rendix]
Lydeck Active Member Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #11 [Member=Lena Abren-Rendix] Ok ill make an open thread and link it here
Lydeck Active Member Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #12 [Member=Lena Abren-Rendix] Open Roleplay thread here Anyone is free to join.
Captain Falcor Character Oct 24, 2014 #13 [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"] [member="Lydeck"] im fine with anything
Lena Abren-Rendix Character L Oct 24, 2014 #14 [member="Captain Falcor"] Let's first have them meet, then we will see where it goes from there. Want to make the thread, or should I?
[member="Captain Falcor"] Let's first have them meet, then we will see where it goes from there. Want to make the thread, or should I?
Captain Falcor Character Oct 24, 2014 #17 [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"] Just remember, this char has been in stasis since the empire, he will be confused about things!
[member="Lena Abren-Rendix"] Just remember, this char has been in stasis since the empire, he will be confused about things!