Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roleplay is a Baz Nitch (3 week LOA)

I've been roleplaying on Chaos for the last year, and the only full break I had lasted a three days.

Star Wars is great--I love it--but I also get sick and tired of doing the same thing as long as I did. So I'm not leaving, I'm just taking a break; mostly because I need to.

I want to spend more time focusing on my IRL social activities... Like getting rejected by girls, or sitting in my car until no one's standing in front of the redbox.

But I also need to fulfill my obligations to myself and my family. My parents are moving to Haiti to help those folk rebuild their country so they can have homes, healthy food, and a self-sufficient economy strong enough to support a modern nation. Meanwhile I am sacrificing time so I can run an imaginary nation. Thus, just so I too can do a little good, am helping them move.

To be exact, my folks leave the house I am also living in on the 31st.

So starting tomorrow until the 19th of November I will become increasingly inactive from the board. From November 9th to the 16th, I will likely be offline completely as during those two weeks I'll be in Florida until they finally leave the US of A behind.

During this period I will most likely be unable to respond to any private threads, as what's left of my roleplay time will be dedicated to a couple group threads (mostly since I don't have to post as often before someone yells at me).

Until then, enjoy your vacation from me and I swear to god I better not come back to the Primeval going minor.

If anyone wants to get in touch during this period, I will trust you with my Skype: sams0knite
I make no promises about you not coming back to Keira having broken things.


[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


Morality Policeman :)
Make the most of it, bud.

[9:58:16 PM] Saint Sveneviève: Let's honor him
[9:58:16 PM] Saint Sveneviève: by
[9:58:19 PM] Saint Sveneviève: speaking
[9:58:21 PM] Saint Sveneviève: in fragments
[9:59:03 PM] Coryth - Krissy: yess
[9:59:07 PM] Coryth - Krissy: let's
[9:59:12 PM] Coryth - Krissy: totally
[9:59:13 PM] Saint Sveneviève: Because
[9:59:15 PM] Saint Sveneviève: that is what
[9:59:17 PM] Saint Sveneviève: Sam
[9:59:19 PM] Saint Sveneviève: would do.
[9:59:25 PM] Coryth - Krissy: the right
to do

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