Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roleplaying Features You Would Like To See Most At SWRP

On a site I was on previously they had plot threads that the characters created then main plot threads that the staff themselves created. And what spurred activity was not only the good experience and loot you got from each story arc but also the wonderful storytelling so personally I would love to see that here.
@[member="Kiara Alanna Decoix"]

Kiara Alanna Decoix said:
On a site I was on previously they had plot threads that the characters created then main plot threads that the staff themselves created.
We are currently looking at & discussing instituting a "Galactic Timeline Events" feature where we'll post large event-style roleplays for the Galaxy. We're also discussing a very close to implementing a "Game Masters" feature where writers can lead their own Role-plays with their own characters, while also incorporating other writer's characters.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Competitive duels in a tournament.

This is also something I'm contemplating, but not something that's being actively pursued atm.

Tegaea Alcori said:
Some sort of fleet system where each faction knows what resources it has.
This is also something being contemplated, and depending on the response of the players here at SWRP, we'll get a solution put out here quickly.
I'd like for the technology section to be divided up into subforums representing the individual factions for easier navigation for people wanting to know what kind of technological shizz their Faction has.

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