Romulus Theodore Aasadies, III
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Soldier
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Pale Peach
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Driven - Rom has passion in the heap loads and fights for what he believes is right. His determination brought him to the Republic homeworld after the desolation of his own and aided him all through basic. It's what gets him up hours earlier than the rest and sets him apart from the common soldier on the battlefield.
Mechanically Inclined - His father was a mechanic for the rebels, one of the best. Before his untimely death, he spent a lot of time with Rom in his garage teaching him the tricks of the trade. It got to his point Rom was helping his dad fix-up droids and even the odd rebel fighter. The fond memories help push Rom to continue learning more and is the reason it's still one of his limited hobbies.
Hot-Headed - Although Rom is one of the kindest people around he can get ticked off pretty easily. He's gotten used to shrugging off some of the smaller things but if you attack his core beliefs he can't be reasoned with. Luckily for everyone, his anger usually ends up taking the form of smacking the wall, shouting then leaving the room.
Impulsive - Like a lot of kids his age, Rom can be extremely impulsive. Sometimes it's because he hadn't thought things through, other times it's his "follow your heart" mantra. Either way it's ended him up in a fair amount of sticky situations.
Rom's average height for his age and a fairly average weight as well, if not on the skinnier side. He keeps his hair cut short, a little more style and density up top than the regular jar head but uniform the same. His skin used to be tanned due to days in the sun. Now he's been seeing so much of outer space he's gone real pale. Some of his commanders think it might be some kind of early war fatigue. His wardrobe would agree with them, as the only things inside are army greens and load out gear.
Rom grew up living the simple life on a back water planet far on the outer rim. Far as he's known his parents were Republic supporters, Rebels they were called back then. They'd tell him tales of all the great fights passed and how it was only a matter of time till their flag flew high in Corellia once again. It was all so entrancing as a child, Rom spent many days in his families backyard pretending fly an x-wing shooting down Imperial forces. It was a great childhood, filled with love and grand ideas.
As he got older, his families role in the Rebellion got larger. There was a time Rom thought they were all just stories to keep him entertained but then the first of the Republic ships landed. It turned out their planet was more important than Rom thought. It was a great refueling station in between two current battlefields, and as a mechanic of some renown Rom's father was tapped on to serve once again.
Among the ships was one carrying the Jedi, Alek Kirn. He past middle age, tired of battle and always happy to rest at Rom's family's home. He spent a lot of time with the boy. Rom was always curious to hear about his past and Alek was glad to regale him with his glory days. Over time, the two formed a real bond. Alek realized the boy was strong in the force, enough to begin training but never did. He never told Rom either, figuring a life with family and friends is one the kid deserved.
As the fighting raged on, Rom's family home started to look more like a rebel bunker than anything else. It had become such an important spot that the Republic even assigned armed guards to the compound. Little did they know how big of a target they drew on it. A once no-body planet had developed to a real strategical position and the Empire, not one to wait, sent forces in mass to take it. Rom's father was too proud to abandon his home but knew the chance for survival was slim. In a last ditch effort to help save his son, he sent work to Alek Kirn and got Rom a spot on one of the civilian transport ships off world.
Those events drove Rom to join the Republic army. They put a gun in his hands and promised he'd see action on the front lines. That was enough, all he had to do was prepare to kick back at the people who killed his family and destroyed his life.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
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Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
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