Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Roman Vossari


AgeLate Teens
Personality TraitsAmbitious
Education TraitsCharismatic Negotiator
Lifestyle TraitsDiplomat
Rank(s)Padawan Learner
Faction(s)Galactic Alliance
LanguagesBasic, Ryl, Huttese
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good
Height6'3" (192 cm)
Weight176 lb (79.83 kg)
Template Credit Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

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    The Vossari lineage dates way back in time. Originally involved in trade and diplomacy, the family had a significant impact on Serenno's governance. However, their connection to the criminal trade of the galaxy cast a long shadow over their reputation. A distant ancestor of Roman, Lord Kael Vossari, was believed to have dabbled in slave trading, gaining a reputation that haunted subsequent generations. This legacy became a double-edged sword: while it instilled a sense of ambition and desire for power in the family, it also served as a warning against the immoral.

    In an effort to distance themselves from this tumultuous past, Roman's parents, Lord Cassian and Lady Mara Vossari, worked to legitimize their family's position in the galaxy. They were known for their diplomatic endeavors and made efforts to forge alliances with other noble houses and the Jedi Order. Despite their attempts, whispers of the Vossari name would occasionally provoke suspicion among more prestigious houses.

    Growing up among the sprawling estates of Serenno, Roman was deeply influenced by the stories of great Jedi and their role in maintaining peace and justice across the galaxy. His parents impressed upon him the importance of virtue, diplomacy, and the need to reject the lure of darkness that had once threatened their line. This upbringing made him both ambitious and cautious; he sought to continue his family's legacy while molding it into something brighter.

    At the age of ten, Roman was identified by a Jedi scout during a noble council meeting held on Serenno. The diplomat attending the meeting recognized potential in the boy as an adept Force-sensitive with strong connections to both the light side and an innate understanding of the darker hues of his heritage. Roman's acceptance into the Jedi Order marked a pivotal moment for the Vossari family— it was an opportunity to redeem their name and show that their line could indeed produce protectors of peace rather than harbingers of conflict.

    As a youngling, Roman developed his skills not only in lightsaber combat and the use of the Force but also the nuanced arts of negotiation and conflict resolution. The Order recognized his ambition but instilled in him the importance of temperance and humility, urging him to embrace diplomacy as a Jedi's true path.


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    Diplomatic Expertise

    Roman possesses a natural talent for negotiation, often de-escalating tense situations and finding common ground among conflicting parties. His diplomatic skills are enhanced by his understanding of non-verbal cues and emotions—a skill he honed through years of interactions as a noble.

    Martial Proficiency

    While not overly aggressive, Roman is proficient in lightsaber combat, favoring the elegance of Form III (Soresu) for defense and Form II (Makashi) for dueling, reflecting his preference for finesse over brute strength.

    Intellect and Strategy

    His noble upbringing instilled in him a keen strategic acumen, allowing him to craft long-term plans whether in negotiations or battlefield tactics. He approaches problems with critical thinking, always weighing the consequences of his actions.

    Cultural Kowledge

    Roman is well-versed in the customs and histories of various galactic systems, enabling him to interact with diverse species in a respectful manner. This knowledge aids him in understanding the subtleties of political landscapes.

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    Physical Description
    Roman Vossari stands tall at 6'3", boasting an athletic build that reflects both his training as a Jedi and his active lifestyle. His long, flowing red hair cascades down his back, often tied in a loose braid to keep it manageable while on missions. He has piercing blue eyes that reveal a depth of wisdom beyond his years, and his fair skin gives him a somewhat ethereal appearance. Roman typically wears the traditional robes of a Jedi, but he often customizes them with subtle colors representing his home world of Serenno, such as deep browns and greens to symbolize its lush landscapes.

    Roman is charming, articulate, and possesses a magnetic charisma that reflects his noble upbringing. He understands the complexities of interstellar politics and frequently draws upon his family's connections, using personal diplomacy to articulate the Jedi philosophy in negotiations with galactic leaders. However, his ambition can lead him into precarious situations where he sometimes overextends himself, driven by the hope of proving the Vossari name worthy of respect and admiration.

    Despite his charm, Roman occasionally battles with the lingering shadow of his family's dark history—an inner struggle that fuels his determination to succeed. He is acutely aware of his ambitious nature, which he strives to balance. Roman seeks to protect those he cares about, and while he is deeply committed to the Jedi Order, he often navigates the fine line between loyalty to the Order and loyalty to his family's legacy.

    Roman aims to become a Jedi Knight known for his diplomatic prowess, to bring peace to areas of conflict throughout the galaxy, and to elevate the status of his family through exemplary service to the Jedi Order. He seeks not only to fulfill his own dreams but also to establish a legacy that honors his family's name. Roman hopes to prove that even a lesser-known noble has the potential to make a significant impact in the galaxy.


    Lightsaber - Single - Green

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    Lord Cassian VossariFather
    Lady Mara VossariMother

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