Full Name: Rook Andron
Aliases: 'Lev Bolarin' & 'Kole Harper'
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Coruscant
Voice Sample: Casper Van Dien
Occupation: SIS Agent
Force Sensitivity: Force Attuned
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165lbs
Build: Athletic
Hair: Short & Brown
Skin Tone: Tanned
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Psychological Profile
Driven | Brazen | Just | Unrelenting | Devoted | Spiteful
Andron has always been a goal setter and achiever, pushing boundaries beyond what is known to be the very best he can in all fields. Full of aspirations that lie within the Galactic Alliance. Yet what hinders him is bold confidence, so sure that he is capable of doing what is ahead of him that he will allow others to suffer because of it. Whether intentional or simply due to a lack of forethought.
Justice is his true ally. Rook did not determine what is and isn't just but he knows they are guidelines to being lawful; the truest good one can be. Although he is unrelenting in such endeavors, unwilling to slow down or come to a halt. The Agent must finish what he starts. Otherwise it is failure.
The Galactic Alliance is his cause, and he is devoted to them in every sense of the word. Every order is carried out with precision. It is the only time that he may be unjust, in service to the Galactic Alliance. He is spiteful, however. Capable of holding grudges and acting upon them. After all, he is only human.
Strengths and WeaknessesA Natural: Rook is a natural when it comes to the Military. The lifestyle, the situations he may find himself in and the weaponry. All of which come to him with ease, able to adapt to any situation, use a wide variety of weapons masterfully and so on.
Blind Devotion: Andron's blind devotion to the Galactic Alliance may be his biggest fault. Whilst many may deem loyalty a great quality, having too much can be a poor thing. Especially when he finds himself in the hands of a morally unjust commander.
Spy in Disguise: As an SIS Agent he has become a man who can easily blend in among a crowd, fulfill any role bestowed upon him and much more. Don't let him out of your sight, you may never find him again.
No Surrender: He'll never give in, there is no surrender and only death. It is likely that the latter will be his downfall if this attitude persists.
Rook Andron was born on the planet known as Coruscant in 830 ABY to two parents who were heavily invested in the Galactic Alliance's Military. So much so that the decision to have a child was clearly a mistake, for the boy never saw his parents, but their ideals were drilled into his mind that he knew from such a young age their service to the Alliance was far more important than caring for a child. They did see him, however. Though rarely, and Rook often found himself within the care of the relatively wealthy family's Protocol Droid, 'B-3PO'.
'Beepio' as it was commonly referred to try it's best to contain the child who was full of wonder and pride but ultimately failed. He was well educated on Galactic Events and knew of the evil present in the Galaxy, and as a result desired nothing more but to purge it. He knew he was one man, or boy at the time, but every single effort counts. His schooling meant nothing to him, whilst relatively bright, he never applied himself because of this. The Alliance Military is where he saw himself, what good were the marks you got in school then? They weren't any.
At the ripe of eighteen Rook enlisted in the military. Wherever his mother and father were, he knew they were proud, which they evidently were. Andron was a cadet within the Alliance Military, set to join in with the standard infantry as it is where he deemed himself worthy of being. Yet he showed promise, being among the top five percent in his grouping. He was screened for a variety of Special Forces; the Pathfinders and SIS wanted him for reasons of their own but in time he found himself in the SIS. All the training he could of desired found itself in his instincts.