Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rook

Name: Kriang Krai Ferrer
Alias(es): Rook
Class(es): Special forces
Birthplace: Nar Shadda
Force Sensitive: No
Force Alignment: -

Species: Alcedian
Age: Late 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 145lbs
Eyes: Black & yellow
Feather: Pale purple
Skin: Light grey

Rank(s): Black-ops Operative
Allegiance(s): Task-force Yggdrasil, The Director The Director
Language(s): Galactic Basic, Huttese, Pyke, Falleen, Binary

Personality Traits: Content, Callous, Paranoid
Education Traits: Criminal education
Lifestyle Traits: Mysterious murder machine
Character Alignment: Neutral evil

Kriang Krai was born a Hutt slave. A small and agile kid, he was assigned as drug smuggler by the Hutt, until in one job he killed three GA Sector Rangers to escape from a precarious situation. Since then, the Hutt used him as an assassin and spec-ops operative. However, unbeknownst to everyone, SIA Counter-Intelligence agent known at that time as Strix, managed to track the kid and keep a close eye on him for nearly two-years.
One day, SIA raided the Kajidic he worked for, where he was also captured and taken to Strix’s blacksite. There, he was given a deal; continue to work for and infiltrate criminal syndicates, and report directly to Strix. He takes the deal, and Strix injected a toxin-cache inside him, which Strix can control remotely.
Ever since, he supplied Strix with information and work on his behalf, even after he officially retired from SIA. That was until Strix was appointed as the Director of SIA, pulled out of retirement after the attack on Coruscant. Kriang Krai, known by his callsign Rook, becomes the right-hand man of arguably the most influential figure in the Alliance, and on his behalf leads Task-force Yggdrasil, a black-ops task-force loyal only to the newly appointed Director of SIA.
Skills and Abilities: Unconventional warfare tactics, Reconnaissance, Torture, Close-quarter combat, Demolition expert, Martial arts
Strengths: Agile, Brilliant tactician, Quick-reflexes
Weaknesses: Mentally-challenged, Single-minded, Socially inept

Light stealth armour (Phrik-infused plastoid chest-piece, reflec-coated armorweave coat, undershirt & pants)
Bryar blaster pistol x2
Sawed-off double-barrel Trandoshan shotgun
Rocket boots
Gauntlet grenade-launcher (Thermal, smoke, flashbang, cryo)
The Director The Director - Boss

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