Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Room 457

Myvette dexterously spun her syrup-stained fork around her thumb and between her fingers, it was a relief and a blessing she would never take for granted again. After that claw got lodged inside her right wrist, Myvette feared she'd never be able to move it or the rest of her hand ever again. Thank the force those smugglers had a Bacta tank Myvette could soak in until medical help arrived. They landed on Plexis three days ago to confront a local spice lord whose taxation policies were starving the populace. Myvette was eager to help but didn't understand why not one but two Jedi were needed to resolve the situation. She figured Jax thought it would help Myvette practice her negotiation skills or maybe he just wanted to ease back into the swing of things after their exile. Regardless of what his reasons were that sleazy Rodian with pockets almost as big as his gut didn't take too kindly to a pair of sorcerers barging into his private estate borderline demanding that he changed his policies. Well, Jax Thio Jax Thio was doing the demanding, Myvette couldn't participate in the speaking part on account of...yeah.

Jax had given Myvette the ability to speak without lips but...she just couldn't bring herself to use it with strangers. She trusted Jax and communicating with him came easy, especially after their exile but breaking the barrier between Myvette and the unknown was going to take a little more effort on her part. Plus most people would get jittery if a disembodied voice suddenly manifested in their head.

Anyway, after communications broke down the spice lord decided to release his lucrative collection of exotic creatures. His prized possession was a Gundark as red and leathery as a jacket left in the Tatooine sun. People always use Gundarks in expressions and measurements of skill and strength so Myvette supposed that numbed her to the actual danger the creature posed. The attack came quickly and the girl instinctively blocked it with her hands as opposed to the literal blade of light clipped to her waist. She didn't want to harm what was essentially in her 'eyes' an innocent life and her compassion was rewarded with a claw through the wrist. The situation was miserable but then Jax did something...she wasn't expecting.

He reached his hands out in all directions and a wave of energy washed over the area like a wave, my force vision gave color to the energy and it was so beautiful. I felt at peace as soon as the power hit me and so did all of the creatures. It was like serenity given form.

Myvette leaned back in the hospital gurney, her hand over her stomach as she tilted to the side and 'looked' out the fifth-story window. Myvette's thoughts lingered on an issue of hers tugging at her heartstrings and whispering on the wind.

I have to learn that power. For my sake and for theirs...

Myvette leaned toward the door and pouted, perceptions absent of the target of her search.

Late again...what a surprise...


Location: Plexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

It was hard to believe that Jax was back in Alliance space again after spending a long time in self-exile. Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic his stepdaughter had egged him to go back to the NJO so that they could help him with his connection to Carnifex. Jax was reluctant to do so but after hearing about the Alliance's victory over the Brotherhood of the Maw, he decided to return. Jax didn't think the NJO knows about his survival and part of him wonders if they even cared. But at Dreidi's behest, it was best get back to Coruscant and clear things up. The only companions he had were BB-8 and his Padawan: Myvette who helped pull Jax out from his despair. She continued to train under Jax while he reconnected with the Force, though she still had a lot to learn about herself and the Force.

On their way back to Coruscant, she and Jax received a distress call from the planet Plexis. The village elder pleaded for any Jedi to come down and help them against a Spice Lord who was using his power and influence to heavily tax the population. Feeling compelled to help, Jax and Myvette sprang into action though during the mission, Myvette got entangled by Gundarks due to her recklessness and was sent to the hospital after Jax rescued her. Now she was recuperating while Jax stood by her side. "Now that was pretty reckless Myvette," Jax said. "I hope you've learned not to charge in without assessing the situation first."

Myvette was happy when Jax finally showed up, the nurses had mostly given up on trying to comfort her after they mistook her silence for rudeness. She wasn't sure how they'd never met a mute before but it was entirely possible they had and were just too fatigued to deal with her. She didn't blame them too much, nursing is a tough career. Having said that Myvette wasn't as happy to receive a lecture from her master. It's not HER fault the spice lord was an egotistical maniac! Like what mentally sane person keeps man-eating beasts in their basement and then builds trapdoors to sic them on intruders? Suppose he did manage to kill them, didn't he worry about the mess? Guess he won't have to anymore now that he's in jail. The craziest thing was that it wasn't for the attempted murder, the illicit spices, or any of the illegal taxation or animal cruelty. No, he got arrested because the building wasn't up to code. Strange how life works out sometimes but that was neither here nor there.

Myvette crossed her arms and made a point of turning her head away from Jax.

"I didn't charge in there we got ambushed!" Myvette projected into Jax Thio Jax Thio 's mind. "You think if I knew that Gundark was going to slice my arm open I would've let it happen? Some of us aren't masters of the force yet who can calm beasts in an instant."

Myvette turned her head slightly toward Jax so that he could see she was addressing him more directly. "How'd'd you do that anyway? I don't even know that was, it wasn't a mind trick and it seemed too powerful to be just another calming technique." It wasn't unlike Myvette to be interested in a force technique or something her master might have to show her but this desire seemed...atypical. It wasn't lustful or power-hungry but rather determined and precise. It seemed as though Myvette already had in mind what she wanted to use the technique for.

"If you tell me I promise not to be reckless again." She smiled.


Location: Prexis
Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Obviously Myvette didn’t take Jaxs criticism well stating that she didn’t anticipate the Gundarks. Not knowing that she just answered the reason why Jax was stern with her. “That’s the issue,” Jax said. “You didn’t anticipate their ambush. You walked into Spice Lords trap without properly assessing the situation. You were ignoring your instincts Myvette which is why you were nearly chewed up and spit out. What have I told you all this time? Trust in the Force and rely on your instincts.”

She was trying to convince Jax to teach her how he was able to use the Force to influence the Gundarks from mauling her. The truth was that Jax recently taught himself the ability before reuniting with Myvette. “Yeah, I’m not a politician Myvette,” Jax chuckled. “You ain’t gonna bribe me so easily my young Paddie. Besides if you’re unable to do the basic Force Sense, how can you use it to influence wild animals? You can’t build a house without a foundation after all.”

He gently placed his hand on Myvettes shoulder. Jax was thankful that she was all right though. She was the one of the few people who sought him out after Jax placed himself in self exile. “You’re not going to be reckless again because you’ll be doing your Force exercises,” Jax said smirking. “Again.”

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Myvette's shoulders fell as she nearly let out a sigh. He was right and Myvette knew it, there was no reason she should have been caught off guard when her natural method of vision was via the force. Even now as they spoke, Myvette could sense the fear and irritation radiating off an accountant on the street outside the hospital as he found his pockets suspiciously light and realized that he'd lost his wallet. No not lost...stolen, the thief was making his way down an adjacent alleyway with the goods. She'll be sure to report his face to the Plexis authorities later. Wait what was she doing?! She has GOT to stop spying on people but it just came so naturally, it was like she was in their body and experiencing their life first-hand.

"If I'm being completely transparent master, I think I need to learn to IGNORE my instincts every now and again. I understand what you're saying though."

Myvette looked at her bandaged wrist and scowled. This wasn't just about her and her inadequacies, it was about the need and the duty she had to protect those around her, especially Jax. His monster of a father used Jax's own compassion to try and destroy him, thank the stars he failed but an enemy of life like him isn't just going to give up. He's going to make a reprisal and when that time comes she can't get caught unaware. Jax said his own stepdaughter could have died in the battle against Carnifex and she's much stronger than Myvette.

Myvette began to monologue to herself, still eyeing her bandage.
As your Padawan and friend, Jax. There a things I must do and threats I must prepare myself for. I refuse to fall short.

Myvette suddenly sat up straight and rose out of the bed, ruffling her hospital gown. "I need to come clean. Normally I wouldn't press you, master but this time I really need you to teach me how to do what you did. There's...there's..." Myvette scratched her bandages and looked at the floor. "There's someone here I want to help-"

The suite door opened and the nurse who entered quickly brushed away the brown hair curtaining her eyes. She pointed an accusing finger at Myvette and seemed ready to say something before she registered Jax Thio Jax Thio . The dots visibly connected in her head and the woman straightened her posture to address Jax. "I presume you are this Padawan's master?" The nurse quickly bowed her head in reverence. "I think you should know that I have asked your student to please stop visiting room four fifty-seven. It's a very delicate situation and while I don't doubt the skills of the Jedi doctor's orders take prestige here."


Location: Prexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Jax knew all too well that one's thoughts can betray them, it was how Carnifex was able to manipulate Jax and cause him to fall to the Dark Side. It was there that Jax understand that he had not mastered himself and spent his self-exile trying to come to terms that Carnifex was his father and that Jax was not like him. Easier said than done for sure, but Jax felt that he was heading in the right direction. "I don't blame you for not trusting your instincts especially in times of great emotional turmoil," Jax said. "But for you instincts to never fail, you must place trust in yourself."

The Jedi Master knew that Myvette was still shackled to her past leaving her mute and indecisive. It wasn't going to be easy getting Myvette to overcome her fears. "It could take years for Myvette to master it," Jax thought. "I sense a lot of fear in her."

"I understand that you want to help others," Jax said. "But what Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic my stepdaughter taught me is that you need to help yourself first and foremost. Right now Myvette you didn't trust in the Force and you were caught off guard. As a Jedi, one slip could get you killed or worse......."

He didn't have to say it, Myvette knows about the gaping pit known as the Dark Side.

Just then the door opened, and a Nurse entered, chastising Myvette for frequently visiting room: 457. "Sure, sorry about that!," Jax said as the door closes.

"All right Myvette," Jax said smiling. "Let me help you take care of this person. Get up, we're going to Room 457."

Myvette felt short-sighted and even a bit selfish as the words left Jax Thio Jax Thio 's mouth. Of course! He could fix the issue, it was a wonder Myvette didn't consider that from inception. But that's where that iota of selfishness came in, on some level Myvette wanted to be the one to heal her new friend's ailment, especially after having someone be trusting enough to find confidence in her. The Padawan had never even spoken to the girl downstairs and yet they had a deep connection that ran past experience and verbalization. This was the power of the force and the Miraluka, to see what eyes cannot see and to bestow that vision onto others that would cast aside their perceptions and look past the mundane. A blind and mute girl with a lightsaber and a child with unnaturally fire-colored hair and a sleeve of arcane symbols grafted onto her skin from birth. If nothing else the force liked to pair odd people together.

"Okay!" Myvette nodded gleefully and ran toward a beige backpack slumped against the back wall. She rummaged through the bag until she found her dress and navy blue jacket. Nearly forgetting there was still company present, Myvette waved Jax away while she continued looking through the bag. She didn't much care for this hospital gown anyhow.

With Jax out of the room, Myvette switched out of her hospital gown and stepped out of the room in her normal clothing, she probably needed to start expanding her wardrobe.

"Heads up master." Myvette reached out to Jax mentally and started down the hallway toward the stairwell while acutely aware of the position of the nurse. Jax wanted her to improve her force sense? She might as well start now. "We're going to see a girl named Ester and she's...reclusive. Two of a kind I guess. She made me promise not to tell anyone about her...condition." Myvette put a hand on her chest as though trying to lift her heart now heavy with guilt. She grabbed the stair railing and began to descend to the fourth-floor hallway. "But I wrote a promise to her that I would do what it takes to help her. No matter what."

The affirmation calmed Myvette's nerves a bit as she descended down the hallway with Jax in tow. It was an odd first encounter the two of them had; Myvette was heading toward the commissary on the ground floor because apparently, the staff thought that half a bottle of syrup was sufficient for pancakes. She was going to get more of the sugary goodness when she noticed something strange. A girl with flowing hair glowing like fire and eyes luminescent like the sun was sauntering down the hallway like a drunkard after a night on Nar Shaddaa. What was even stranger though was the aura flowing off her, it was almost pulling her body like a fish on a hook...and that energy. Myvette hasn't had many encounters with it but she knew the dark side when she saw it, wherever Ester was being drawn to was nowhere good.

The girl was strong, unnaturally so even, it took usage of the force to get Ester back into her room where she eventually calmed down after a while and decided Myvette as both a Jedi and a mute could keep her secret safe.

Ester has a sleeping darkness within her that wants nothing more than to reunite with the root of its power. The rest though...Ester declined to share. Myvette didn't have time to dwell on that any further as they reached room 457 and the Padawan gently knocked on the door. For a few seconds, Ester could be heard rummaging about the room before finally cracking the door and opening it fully at the sight of Myvette.

"You're serious about helping me, aren't you? Thanks..." Ester smiled sadly, her deep orange eyes gazing at the floor. "But if I'm being honest I don't think-" Ester's sentence fell off when she snuck a glance at Jax. Even now while she seemed perfectly docile the slumbering malice within her could be felt gnawing at and corrupting the force around Ester. It was primal, hungry, like a monster given astral form rather than a dilution of good. It was contained but it was obvious that the barrier within Ester was weakening, her veins bulged within her arms and ran black, her voice was hoarse and fatigued, and those death and darkness itself.

"I thought you said you wouldn't tell anyone..."
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Location: Prexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

One thing Jax liked about Myvette was her compassion. It was through her compassion for people that guided her to Jax when he was at his lowest and it's through her compassion that made her compelled to help a poor soul in need for companionship. Even though Jax was feared that Myvette would fall to the Dark Side, he had to constantly remind himself that she will be okay. All she needed was the proper guidance and Myvette will make a fine Jedi. "I understand," Jax replied when Myvette told her about Ester and her condition. "We'll see what we can do to help. It's good to know that remember the tenants of the Living Force. It's reverence for all life regardless of who they are."

Dreidi balked at the prospect of the Living Force and Jax remembered the arguments they had about it. Students under Jax were more or less neutral on Jax's views on the Living Force and Myvette was the only one who embraced it. "I'm glad that you're at least trusting your instincts when it comes to people Myvette," Jax said smiling at her. "We just need to apply to all situations."

The moment they entered Ester's room, Jax could feel a disturbance in the Force. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds her though it has yet to touch Ester. Jax frowned a bit while Ester told Myvette off about her promise. "She kept her promise," Jax smiled. "It was the nurse who blabbed about your condition while she was tending to my Padawan."

The Jedi Master slowly walked towards Ester continuing to smile at her. "I'm Jax Thio," he said. "Jedi Master of Galactic Alliance, and I understand that you needed some help."

Jax could sense her fear mixed with panic, Ester was all alone and didn't know what was going on. "I know that feeling all too well," Jax thought as he placed his hand on Ester's shoulder. "You mind telling me what is troubling you?" He whispered placing calming energies inside of her body.

It wasn't that Myvette doubted Jax's character or his abilities, she had the utmost confidence in him and it only grew as they continued to train and learn with each other. But this wasn't about Myvette or how much faith she had in Jax Thio Jax Thio , it was about Ester and how open she could afford to be with them. Even though deep in her heart Myvette knew involving Jax was the right call she couldn't help but feel that on some level she betrayed Ester's very selective trust at least a little. Sensing her apprehension and a twitch of anger within her spirit, Myvette pressed her hands together and bowed to Ester in an apologetic gesture. This was probably the worst part about being a mute in her opinion, the inability to vocalize your remorse and have someone hear it directly from the horse's mouth. It filled the Jedi with regret down to her very core and brought endless shame to her heart.

Myvette's guilt swirled within herself.

I'm sorry Ester...

The girl backed away from Jax before he put a hand on her shoulder and a tranquil aura flowed inside her. For the moment, Myvette could see Jax's aura flooding Ester and visibly calming the girl who's face softened. "Thank you but..." Jax should be able to sense it but for Myvette a build-up of malicious crimson energy rose from the core of Ester's being and filled her completely, expelling the harmonic energy of Jax's aura. It was less like a corruption of the force and more like a highly territorial predator protecting its habitat, in this case, the creature's dwelling was Ester's spirit and Jax was the intruder.

"I don't think there's anyone left in this galaxy that can help me, even a Jedi." Ester shivered and rubbed her arms, a cold empty feeling creeping over her shoulders. "Ever since I could remember I've always felt like there was something wrong with me." She explained. "People get distant around me, even afraid as if they could see something I couldn't. I hated it, I hated them, but I was sort of okay I guess until last month."

Ester held herself tighter. "I started having really strange dreams every night and hearing voices in my head. My stomach feels like it's on fire and sometimes when I go to sleep..." Ester's golden eyes shifted to the side. "...I don't stay asleep."

Myvette's thoughts went back to their encounter in the hallway. She'd never seen someone look so possessed before...she hated it. She hated seeing someone's autonomy stripped away from them, but she calmed herself lest both of them be corrupted by evil.

I'll be angry later.
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Location: Prexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Just as the lightside energies were about to touch Ester, it was immediately dispelled by a great darkness. Jax could sense it immediately, a great crimson darkness lashed out at him forcing him to retract his hand. It swirled around Ester like a Viper circling its prey. The situation was worse than Jax thought, a lot worse. When Ester spoke about her condition about hearing voices in her head and feeling hatred inside of her, It reminded Jax on how Carnifex was able to probe his mind. His voice constantly speaking inside of Jax's mind and trying to unleash the darkness that resided in his heart. "These voices," Jax asked crisply. "Is it in basic? Or in a language that you don't understand?"

He could feel Myvette's anger growing inside of her. Though she quickly calmed herself down, it was imperative that she remain focused. This darkness could latch on to Myvette if it feels that she was a better candidate. "Calm your mind Myvette," Jax communicated to his Padawan through telepathy. "We're dealing with a powerful darkness that has taken hold of Ester. Now that we have entered its territory, we need to approach with caution. We're a beacon of light that this beast is determined to extinguish. We must handle this with great care."

This darkness is above Myvette's abilities, but it can serve as a learning experience for her. "I think I know what this is," Jax said to Ester. "It's a Dark Side Spell, who were your parents Ester?"

Myvette shook as she sensed Jax in her head and did her best to heed his advice. It certainly wasn't easy, especially with the object of her anger right in her face but for Ester's sake, Myvette would calm herself. No, she'd do one better, she'd turn this anger into resolve and determination. Jax once said something pretty strange to Myvette, well strange for his standards anyway. He said that a famous Jedi Grandmaster once said "Do or do not, there is no try." Needless to say, the self-needling student didn't understand the sentiment.

I may not understand exactly what Jax means by that but I do know something. I will help Ester. There isn't a single doubt about it.

Vitriol poisoned Myvette's thoughts and she had to catch herself, she was finding it very hard to remain calm. What if this didn't work? What then? They'd find another way of course but what if Ester has another meltdown? There's no telling what could happen!

"The voices are in a strange language I don't understand," Ester revealed, twirling her bright red hair. "But...but...b-but after a w-w-while...I started understanding what they were saying. Return, return, return. Demolish, demolish, demolish. Liberate, liberate, liberate." Ester walked over to a nightstand next to the gurney and rummaged around in the drawer. "A few weeks back a priest came by and gave me a holy pedant of his and..." Ester pulled the golden locket out of the drawer and the results spoke for themselves. It looked as though the pendant had been set ablaze and then exploded. Things were looking more dire by the second but Jax seemed to have a solid grip on the situation.

"I...don't have any memories of my parents. They gave me up when I was a baby and my grandmother took care of me. She died in an accident and I've been on my own ever since..."

Myvette was overcome by sadness from Ester's situation. She certainly wasn't expecting to end up thinking this way but Myvette was so grateful to that Gundark for splitting her arm open.

"Are you saying this is a situation like with you and your father?" Myvette asked telepathically. She hated bringing up the subject but it was relevant. "If so I guess that's two people I'm going after..."

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Prexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Myvette replaced her anger with sheer determination, that was good it formed a mental shield around her preventing the shadow from piercing it. At least for now. Yet Jax felt fear crawling back into Myvette, she was an empath more so than the average Jedi but it was a double-edged sword. Myvette can be outraged or fearful. With so many emotions that she felt from a person, she'll be unable to process it. "Breathe Myvette," Jax communicated his thoughts to her. "Find your focus."

He'll need to put an emphasis on meditation to Myvette, that way she can be more centered when trying to sense people's emotions.

What Ester said was eerily similar to Jax's experiences, a different language which you slowly understand, phrases telling you to commit acts of violence. The only difference is that a holy item incinerated when it touched Ester. It never happened to Jax but then again he was never around any religious symbols. It was something worth checking out, but Jax had all the information he needed to know about the root cause. "It's okay," Jax said smiling at Ester. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

As he got up, Myvette asked if Jax experienced the same thing. "Yes," Jax responded telepathically. "One of Ester's parents is a Sith Lord, and they've cursed Ester and are now trying to possess her."

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The pieces were beginning to fall together, Ester and Jax were being plagued by the same symptoms and it seemed there was no shortage of cruelty in the galaxy and malice in a Sith lord's heart. Jax spoke to her with calming thoughts and visions of tranquility but it did nothing to extinguish the fire that had been sparked in Myvette's heart. It's highly unacceptable to corrupt and attack a Jedi master, it was horrible but it was expected. It was fair. The Jedi and the Sith have been at odds since the moons of Tython, it is a feud as old as hyperspace.

But a child? An innocent child? That isn't just wrong, it's monstrous.

"So we're going after a Sith lord then." The way the thought left Myvette made it seem like less of a question and more of a declaration. A node of anger stabbed at her spirit but she kept it under control as resolve flooded in and she knew what kind of mental fortitude she'd need for the road ahead.

That dark enigma off in the galaxy that Jax unfortunately called a father was outside their reach, for now, they were far too weak to challenge him. This was different however, they could hunt this sick force of evil.

Calm down. Myvette tried to center herself. I need to calm myself or I'll mess up and I can't do that to Ester. I'm fortunate to have Jax to help me, I just need to hold it together.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Prexis
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Once again Jax could feel Myvette's anger rising, she wanted to go after the Sith Lord. She was becoming more like him something he did not want to happen. "Once again," Jax communicated to Myvette telepathically this time his tone became more stern. "Be calm, a Sith Lord can easily take advantage of your anger. If you want to help Ester, you need a calm mind focus or you'll fall to the Dark Side like I have."

And that was the truth, Myvette's compassion could be exploited especially if this Sith Lord does anything to Ester. It was what happened to Jax when Carnifex hurt Dreidi back at Teta. "Okay Ester," Jax said smiling. "Do you know who the religious figure is? We want to talk to him about the item that accidentally hurt you."

"We also need to find out the details behind her grandmother's death," Jax said to Myvette. "I don't think her death was a mere accident, perhaps it was a way for Ester to unleash her emotions leaving her vulnerable to the curse."


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