| [member="Ardana 'nilim"] | [member="Ashe the Reaper"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Grimm"] | [member="Lord Daemos"] | [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]| [member="Broorn Sabor"] |
Darth Ayra was sat within the confines of the Niathal, a transport she had brought anonymously from the infamous smuggler, captain and rebellious cur that was Jorus Merill. The Sith Lord wore her traditional Sith robe. Today, she was not pretending to be a wealthy, beautiful woman who was in charge of a rapidly growing organization on Chandrila. No, today she was being herself and the few people in the galaxy that knew her for who she was was to meet with her on Sojourn.
It had been the two Cimmerian Shades that were Sith Master and Apprentice that had discovered the existence of the Hunters Moon, once used as the getaway for Hugo Damask and his Damask Holdings. The Muun had also held a dark secret from the rest of the galaxy. He was a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Plagueis, who's tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise had captured the imagination of Darths Pandeima and Ayra, who could be said to be his ancestors now that they too had resurrected the Order of Sith Lords in the same ideals he had once had with his own famous Sith Apprentice, Darth Sidious.
Sojourn was to be the site, where the Order of Sith Lords of today would resettle and begin the customs and practices that had paved way to Plagueis's scheme, which had seen his own apprentice execute a master plan, where the Jedi Order had been purged, the Republic toppled and the New Order constituted and placed over the galaxy. Plagueis had paved way to Sith hegemony for decades until the New Jedi Order was founded to defeat Sidious in 10 ABY.
Now the Sith had returned. A transmission was sent across her contacts. "Come to my coordinates. It is time we convened."
Darth Ayra was sat within the confines of the Niathal, a transport she had brought anonymously from the infamous smuggler, captain and rebellious cur that was Jorus Merill. The Sith Lord wore her traditional Sith robe. Today, she was not pretending to be a wealthy, beautiful woman who was in charge of a rapidly growing organization on Chandrila. No, today she was being herself and the few people in the galaxy that knew her for who she was was to meet with her on Sojourn.
It had been the two Cimmerian Shades that were Sith Master and Apprentice that had discovered the existence of the Hunters Moon, once used as the getaway for Hugo Damask and his Damask Holdings. The Muun had also held a dark secret from the rest of the galaxy. He was a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Plagueis, who's tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise had captured the imagination of Darths Pandeima and Ayra, who could be said to be his ancestors now that they too had resurrected the Order of Sith Lords in the same ideals he had once had with his own famous Sith Apprentice, Darth Sidious.
Sojourn was to be the site, where the Order of Sith Lords of today would resettle and begin the customs and practices that had paved way to Plagueis's scheme, which had seen his own apprentice execute a master plan, where the Jedi Order had been purged, the Republic toppled and the New Order constituted and placed over the galaxy. Plagueis had paved way to Sith hegemony for decades until the New Jedi Order was founded to defeat Sidious in 10 ABY.
Now the Sith had returned. A transmission was sent across her contacts. "Come to my coordinates. It is time we convened."