Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rosath Parserra



R O S A T H - P A R S E R R A

Rosath is a freelance mercenary and hired gun. At least that is the public appearance that he gives off.

Little public information is known about Rosath, other than that Rosath is his given name, and that he is about two toes shy of being a simple marauder. The Chiss man habitually hunts down illicit cargo carriers and wannabe pirates or smugglers.

Normally seen wearing heavy armor and a helmet, the man's stride is marked with confidence. While not entirely fearless, the helmet helps to cover up the nervous appearance when staring down a barrel of a weapon.

What is to come from this young Chiss male that wandered so far from home?

  • 97jE3sr.png
    NAME: Rosath Parserra - Ro - Sath
    RANK: N/A
    SPECIES: Chiss
    HOMEWORLD: Csilla
    AGE: 27
    SEX: Male
    HEIGHT: 6' - 1.83m
    WEIGHT: 211lbs - 95.7kg
    EYE COLOR: Crimson - Does not glow
    HAIR COLOR: Black
    SKIN TONE: Blue
    FORCE SENSITIVE: Not Force Sensitive
  • MJmMlgB.png

    ---: Trained as a soldier, a scheming bounty hunter, and freelance mercenary along with a number of other professions to blend in.

    ---: Physically and mentally trained for combat, as well as possible capture.

    ---: Pragmatic in most every sense of the word while actively in the field.
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    ---: Trust but Confirm. Rosath takes nothing at face value and will wait to confirm rather than jump into a situation.

    ---: The Trust but Confirm mentality however is dropped when on a job, giving him a strange relationship with those he works for.

    ---: Most of his training has been ran through simulations and created/simulated stress situations.

    ---: Still young to the game of subterfuge, and liable to make mistakes.
  • rNgBRmg.png
    Aliases and Connections The only people that truly know anything about this Chiss man are those within the Ascendancy itself. Even other members inside the known galaxy may only know that he exists, having been informed of his arrival and existence as a possible connection for information.
    Coren Starchaser is also a connection that few if any know of outside the Ascendancy, as the man is a family friend to Rosath, and beyond that context, little else is known of their familial bond.
    CHISS ASCENDANCY: Korr’osat’haezazz
    SILVER JEDI: Rosath Parserra - Coren Starchaser(Friend of the Family)
    DARKWIRE: Mizio Tless
  • Appearances In Order
    Shackle Your Enthusiasm
    Sakedo Sunset Party
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    EQUIPMENT: Bodyglove, Massiff Armor, Vornksr Helmet, Resistance Collar, Bio Dispenser, Indomitable Vambraces
    WEAPONS: 2 Particle Beam Pistols in Huckleberry Holsters, Quickstrike Sniper Rifle, Jackal Combat Rifle, Disruptor Carbine, 1 Gravity Bola
    SHIP: Star Sloop
    EQUIPMENT ON SHIP: 1 Gravity Bola, 1 Jackal Combat Rifle, 2 Particle Beam Pistols, TD-21 Minsini Class Training Droid, 6 SC-1 Hardened Comlink, Drexl Flightpacks, 8 Pneuma Series Rebreather Systems

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