Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rouge Squadron Roll Call

Rogue One/CO – Squadron Leader @Ben Carlin
Rogue Two/XO – Lieutenant Commander [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls”
Rogue Three – Vacant
Rogue Four – Flight Officer [member="Dex Bastion"]
Rogue Five – Flight Officer [member="Cale Gunderson"]
Rogue Six – Vacant
Rogue Seven - Flight Officer [member="Devyn Lynton"]
Rogue Eight – ​Vacant
Rogue Nine – Vacant
Rogue Ten – Fight Officer [member="Arix Askrima"]
Rogue Eleven – Vacant
Rogue Twelve – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”

Hello everyone,

I have been made the new CO of Rogue Squadron after a period without one. My first order of business is to clear out the spots not being used, so I need everyone who wants to still be in the squadron to please Respond to this post. But replying to this post means that you have to post actively with the rest of the squadron, so if you want to back out, go ahead, we don't hold grudges here. I hope you all have fun and have a good day.

Ben Carlin
I am Le here.

But icly still recovering from skor and mustafar on shore leave.

Once shore leave is done I have more Squadron time. With all the battles choli has done, the much deserved down time is good XD
Rogue Four – Flight Officer [member="Dex Bastion"]
Rogue Five – Flight Officer [member="Cale Gunderson"]
Rogue Seven - Flight Officer [member="Devyn Lynton"]
Rogue Twelve – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] "Pie"

If you do not respond by the 21st of this month your position will be made vacant and you will have to sign back up if you are still interested.
Rogue Four – Flight Officer [member="Dex Bastion"]
Rogue Five – Flight Officer [member="Cale Gunderson"]
Rogue Seven - Flight Officer [member="Devyn Lynton"]
Rogue Twelve – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] "Pie"

As of this time you have been taken off the flight list and can reapply when you have come back.

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