Hit, hit, hit! Alaki's lightsaber clashed with her opponent's weapon, blue beam of superheated plasma whizzing through the air with each slam she delivered. It appeared to be a functional tactic for the first few hits, one time almost knocking the lightsaber out of [member="Harley"]'s hands and making the woman cut herself. All these years of honing her body into a weapon paid off. The duel was almost over, a proof of her superiority, a clear evidence of a pathetic Dark Jedi's ability to dominate a foe that should have been much stronger! She would be treated like filth no longer! She would wear pompous clothes, eat hot meals, have her own room! All that stood between her and achieving her dream was a bunch of weaklings! Another diagonal hack, filled with excitement and anger alike, the need to win driving the Chiss teen forward!
But before she could continue, the crazy-looking Sith Acolyte pushed back, her sudden block proving to be more than strong enough to stop the Chiss' incoming blow. While Alaki had a perfect chance to take a dodge backwards, break the saber lock and give both of them some breathing room, she was unwilling to be the one to step back. No, not so close to the victory! The way of a warrior was her chosen path, to become one with her weapons and use brute strength in favour of Force powers. Gripping her lightsaber even tighter, she pushed her lightsaber closer to the Acolyte, muscles in her entire body working on overpowering the opponent, to push her back and win this round! Knowing she could do it, believing it to be the defining moment of the match, Alaki was so focused she had not even noticed the incoming kick.
Pushing their blades against each other this hard, neither of them could effectively kick, as they had to have their feet firmly planted on the ground to support the body. What Harley did was an incredibly risky move, yet one that paid off. At least one of the combatants would end up on the ground. If Harley's move had proven to be ineffective, she would have inevitably crumbled under the Chiss' sheer strength. Luckily for the Sith Acolyte, she caught the fallen Padawan by surprise, ruining her entire posture with a simple kick to the knee. Alaki's eyes went wide as she felt her right leg giving away as a result of the kick, shortly followed by the left leg unable to support the weight and fight against Harley's strength on its own.
The blue skinned girl went down, her uncoordinated fall carrying her down onto her right side. To avoid cutting herself in the fall, she raised her hands above her head, still holding the lightsaber as she hit the ground. It hurt alot, but she did not have time to lick her wounds as the Sith Acolyte had a perfect chance to easily cut her in half. Calling upon the Dark Side, Alaki massed the Force in her hands, still holding the lightsaber, and made a slashing motion towards the standing woman. Logically, she knew this position was terrible and that she had to get up, but first she had to buy herself more time. The slash she did was not an ordinary slash per se; Alaki's fingers suddenly let go of the lightsaber, hurling it at Harley as her hands opened in palms, releasing two simultaneous Force pushes, one from each hand, both aimed at the Acolyte's belly. Without waiting for the result, Alaki attempted to roll away from the woman and jump up, immediately throwing another Force push at her opponent as a distraction when her other hand called for the lightsaber she had tossed at the clown.