Rowan Athzaria
New Member

NAME: Rowan Athzaria
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: Twenty-four
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dirty Blonde to Chestnut
SKIN: Fair/Caucasian
- Protective: A man of his word to protect those he deems as friends and those who cannot defend themselves, Rowan puts his life on the line to ensure the safety of others. Being raised by himself mostly on the streets, he was protected by those when he was a boy and now he's returning the favor.
- Cunning: Whether it's getting a small snack from someone or skipping around a hard day's work, Rowan can get what he wants through words alone.
- Hand to Hand Combat: Very proficient in hand to hand combat, Rowan can hold his own against multiple enemies having grown up learning to fight from watching older men scrap for food and by getting into a couple himself. Through the years of course, he became a master in the art of hand to hand combat learning how to disarm in close quarters and gain an advantage.
- Free Runner: Knowing how to run through certain terrains can give Rowan a definite advantage over his counterparts when he fights. Of course most of them can keep up, but hey, there are some things he's better at at least.
- Stubborn: A man who's not keen on being moved, once Rowan has set his mind on something, there's no stopping him. Of course if you're going to stop him, you might as well be prepared for a lengthy argument or him running off.
- Aggressive: If he's not winning the argument or he's getting to big on his high horse, Rowan starts to become aggressive. He doesn't let anyone run him over and stands his ground like a brick wall that is not to be destroyed.
- Tactics: Rowan has a hard time getting tactics down, especially if they are to infiltrate silently. This is not his strong attribute at all and is usually a downfall when it comes to being sneaky. He's more of a tank pushing through and making sure his comrades are safe.
Standing at a whopping six feet and eight inches, Rowan is a fair skinned male with dirty blonde hair or chestnut brown with striking blue eyes. Multiple scars litter his body from fights in the streets but his prominent one is the one on his torso from a lightsaber barely grazing him, but just enough to inflict damage. Running from his left peck to his abdomen, the scar is a dominant trait of his. For the most part, Rowan is clean of any signs of brands on him. A muscular figure graces the male with broad shoulders making him a hassle to get through. Being monstrously huge for a male, Rowan usually has to duck to get into small spaces.
Wearing regular Jedi Apprentice gear, Rowan is usually easy to pick out of a crowd.
Growing up in a shady part of town, Rowan was a kid on his own at the age of five. Lost both of his parents in a said "accident" from a passing Jedi. What happened to them? Rowan never knew nor was he ever told growing up. An orphanage was brought to his attention when an older woman snagged a hold of him as he walked around and dragged him there against his will. He had been doing fine for the first year of his life in the streets. Maybe looked a little malnourished, but he knew how to survive and some of the restaurant owners were nice enough to give him scraps if he hung around at the right time. Taken and put into the orphanage, Rowan immediately hated it. So many rules to go by, a lot of kids screaming and kicking each other and others, older ones, staring at him as he was the new meat. The first night of going to bed, Rowan had escaped through an open window and ran off. He had vowed to never be caught again by some stranger whilst he grew up.
Learning how to free run, the young boy of six grew from running away from adults and older lifeforms to taking stuff and running off at the age of ten. He had been gifted the Force and had utilized it to where it would benefit him. It was just something he couldn't control very well. Either things dropped and he would be caught or he could hold it long enough (about two-three feet) to where he could get some sort of food and make off before someone caught him. He hadn't fully attained control over this new tool he had. It was something that was entirely new to him. Yes he had seen Jedi, yes he had seen what they could do, but he was too weak and far too young to understand what this could be used for and having never had parents to look after him or teach him, he was lost in the dark and had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. That is until an older man who was gentle and coaxed him out of his shell helped him.
This man had taken him under his wing, fed him and talked to him through the days. Rowan had grown very fond of the man, this was something entirely new. A friend to call his own for once. Someone who actually cared about his well being and just...this was what he had wanted for a long time. Through the years of growing up with the man, he had been assigned somewhere from him. Where? The Galactic Republic. This was where he would learn to use the Force for the greater good and to help those in need. This was where he would become a Jedi Master in years to come and finally be a someone rather than a no one.
Not at the Moment.
Blue Crystal - No upgrades to it (Using now)
Blue Crystal - Broken (Crushed by another Jedi on accident)