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Roweena Alvinoss

S u p e r i o r
" Only the strong are regarded highly within the Sith Empire "
General Information

Name | Roweena Alvinoss
Aliases | Duchess
Gender | Female
Age | 38
Rank | Duchess

Species | Fondorian
Homeworld | Jaemus
Voice | Sylvanas
Force Sensitive | Yes

Physical Information

Height | 1.95 meters
Weight | 84 kilograms
Build | Lithe

Hair | Bald
Skin Tone | Pale
Notable Features |

There are not many notable features to be noted by Roweena apart from her height and lack of body hair due to her being a Fondorian. One thing that does make her stand apart from others in public view, however, is her large headpiece, a lightweight but imposing ornament that also functions as a mask. It features a long pair of horns that extend from her head that make her seem more imposing.

Psychological Information

Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Married
Personality |

Strong | Oppressive | Independent | Cruel | Intelligent
Roweena is of high-caste Fondorian birth, so it comes as no surprise to anyone that her behavior and attitude is indicative of such. She looks down upon many as below her and to be regarded with about as much respect as a peasant. There is only one individual that she truly respects, and her regard for Sith Lords and Knights is equatable to her treatment of nobility on the same level as herself outside of her palace.
Roweena despite her superiority complex is also fiercely independent as well as intelligent. She requires the aid of no one if she can help it, and has never played second fiddle to anyone as far as her own policies go. She commands and dictates with the authority of a queen and will take no one's farce. Her respect is earned and very few if any have ever gained the respect of a Fondorian woman like herself.
Abilities & Traits

+Kneel, Peasant+
Roweena, though she does not openly flaunt it, is well versed in the ways of the Force. Her control over Force Subjugate and Force Persuasion are two of her strongest and most used abilities. With these abilities, she even has the capacity to manipulate the minds of those who are Force Sensitive, though no one above the level of Knight or an experienced Apprentice would fall for her powers.

-Bend the Knee-
Roweena as expected of someone who primarily associates herself as a political figure more than she does a fighter is not bred for combat. While she owns her own lightsaber and has trained in exclusively Makashi to a proficient enough level to handle herself, she is outclassed by any real fighter. She often lets those around her to do all the fighting, expecting to not have to lift a finger.

+Silver Tongue+
Even without the use of her Force Powers, Roweena's command of speech as well as her own innate charisma make her someone to not engage in conversation with lightly. She is an excellent politician and able to clearly get her point across.

Roweena lacks the stamina or endurance to put up in combat. She as an individual is quite fragile and not trained for physical combat as she is for mental and verbal combat. Her lithe body is not capable of taking many hits nor enduring pain. She relies on her own Force Powers and protective detail in order to avoid combat whenever possible.


Roweena Alvinoss is a Fondorian of high caste birth, having been born into the life of nobility on Jaemus, the only child, and heir to the title of her parents. Since her early years, she spent much of her time being pampered and catered to, considering herself nothing short of royalty and having seen all those around her as inferior and nothing more than the rabble. There is little to note about her early life past the pampered and cushioned life she lived growing up with a silver spoon stuck in her mouth.
Fast forward to her early adult life, Roweena was bethroed to a young nobleman, but he had proven to be a shrewd and cowardly man. It was not difficult in subjugating the man as she established herself as the dominant of the two, cementing her position as the superior of the two. It was later found that she would possess an affinity with the Force, having taken up a master to help foster and develop her control over the Force. While she does not flaunt her sensitivity, it can be noted her skills in the manipulation of the Force as opposed to combat are quite exceptional.
Some years later, Roweena would finally be handed the title of Duchess, coming from one of the most notable and influential noble families on the planet Jaemus. When the Sith Empire rose to power, she would pledge her allegiance and loyalties to the Dark Emperor, seeing a man truly worthy of the throne that he sat upon. Roweena is regarded as a vocal and powerful politician from her home planet, intent on servicing the Sith Empire in whatever way she can.

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