Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Roxxann Tane

Diplomat, Obscurium

Roxxann Tane

SpeciesHuman from Pakuuni
Height5’3” (1.6 meters)
Weight106 lbs (48 kg)
Force SensitiveYes, Knight level



  • Lightsaber - Sub TBD
  • Personal Ship - TBD
  • Jedi Robes
  • Small personal wardrobe


Roxxann has the heart of a Jedi, but the self assuredness of a Sith. Though she doesn’t agree that violence should be used to create order, she does believe that greater beings of all species should be able to dictate the path taken by their lessers. It comes from a much more gentle place than the views of the rest of the Tane family, but ultimately she wishes to simplify things in the galaxy under a single rule. She is an innocent soul who values life, but easily is put off when she is not listened to, as she feels that her views belong with the upper echelon as a Jedi.


  • Force Healing savant
  • Calm gentle convincing voice


  • Innocent Arrogance
  • Naïve

Roxxann Tane is the first cousin of Teckla Tane Teckla Tane and Dextra Tane Dextra Tane . Her father, Teckla and Dextra’s uncle, had no involvement in Roxxann’s early life. Her mother was a Jedi. Her parents met when they were each meeting with Mon Calamari on Ruisto resulting in a brief affair. Roxxann’s mother didn’t know she was pregnant at the time of their parting. After successfully giving birth, Roxxann’s mother contacted her father to inform him. Her Force Sensitivity was obvious, both parents agreed that Roxxann would stay with her mother and receive Jedi training. Though her father was a staunch authoritarian military man, he had seen dark side training first hand in Teckla, and didn’t want to taint the offspring of the woman he’d shared a wonderful time with. So he kept his distance and allowed Roxxann to follow a different legacy.

Roxxann took quickly to the healing arts and completed her “youngling” training quite quickly. She was assigned a Master at a young age who specialized in diplomacy. Though she was competent enough to pass basic tests, Roxxann did not take nearly as quickly to combat. On long journeys to fulfill their missions, Roxxann’s Master slowly broke through and Roxxann eventually became a capable if not eager combatant. When Roxxann was seventeen she and her Master were assigned a diplomatic mission that seemed quite obvious to Roxxann who should give in where and how war could be avoided. Both sides of the disagreement were proud and did not heed the Jedi’s advice. A brief war ensued. Roxxann huffed and puffed as she was forced into battle on the side that the Galactic Alliance ultimately favored as the more reasonable of the two parties. When in combat she swung her lightsaber to maim and pledged to work the infirmaries of both sides when combat finally ceased. Ultimately Roxxann was not able to get through the war without taking a life. This caused her to fall into a depression deep enough that her Master removed her from any further battles. Depression quickly turned to anger when all Roxxann was able to do was to read over casualty reports that seemed to have no end in sight. The anger built so much that Roxxann entered the stronghold of the enemy in the guise of restarting negotiations. She pushed her way through the “enemy” leader’s guards and using the Force pinned him to his seat of power, igniting her lightsaber only to be stopped by her Master before she could make a grave mistake.

Eventually the war concluded. Roxxann’s Master told her it was time to return to the Jedi and get their next mission. Roxxann refused. She fulfilled her promise and worked the infirmaries of both sides of the war until there was no one left to take care of. After that, Roxxann sought out her father. She lived on Pakuuni with her father for five years before her elder cousin came to her with a request to help bring order to the galaxy. Roxxann would be introduced as an Arilator of the Quasesitorum. She would resume her diplomatic ways. Not in the same manner as the Jedi however. She would not be asked to try to bend both parties to the middle. Roxxann would be tasked with giving demands to those who the Empire wishes to annex, or to opposing sides of a war that does not benefit the Empire. Her demands would be backed by the force of the Imperial Crusaders. So Roxxann joined the Quasesitorum, and innocently hoped to do her part to make the galaxy a better place.

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