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Royal Guard Armors

Female Variant

Male Variant

Intent: Armors for the royal guards
Development Threads:
The Alchemizing of the armor:
Model: N/A
Modularity: Shields and helmet systems can be replaced.
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik/Duranium alloy blended armor plates (Mask, chest armor, gauntlets and boots), Duranium/Phrik/Cortosis/Zeyd-cloth armorweave clothing, Helmet systems, comlink.
Weight: 12 kg
Quality: 9

Integrated systems and special features of the armor:
Over all armor:
Resistant to blasters and lightsabers as well as all but the most high-powered slugthrowers and grenades (Literally to the face).
Capable of turning Lightsabers off at hits to the cloth layers of the armors as well as under armors.
Vacuum sealed, can be used for a limited time in space, until air runs out.
Alchemized to increase the wearers strength, agility, speed and balance by a factor of 2 times normal physical abilities.
Alchemized to increase it's defensive properties.

HUD (Heads-up-Display), Internal Overlay Display
Sonic Dampeners
Combat Sensor
Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System.
Microbinoculars (x6)
Sensors (Visual, Thermal, Audio)
Scanner (Infrared)
Encrypted Internal Comm-Link
Re-breather System / Oxygen Filtration System. (X)
Chest and back:
Oxygen Reserve Tank (30 Minute Supply, can be replaced with a larger backpack for more air)
Digital Life Support System
Nutrient/Water Dispenser (Connected to the helmet)
Personal Particle shield. (Covers the wearer in a thin invisible layer, voice activated)
Miniature gyro Stabilizers for added balance

Magnetic couplers (allows for climbing and scaling metallic surfaces such as defensive walls and spaceship hulls.)
Retractable claw like fingertips. (Can both be used to climb surfaces as well as in hand-to-hand combat)
Melee shield generator in the left gauntlet. With a radius of 1 m, makes it like this but a (Choose) color.
Retractable phrik Blade coated in Terentatek poison can come out of the right Forearm. (Similar to this)
Alchemized to increase the offensive force abilities of the wearer to a higher degree.

Rocket Boots
Two knife-like tips come from the toe tips of the boots. (Can both be used to climb surfaces as well as in hand-to-hand combat)
Magnetic couplers (allows for climbing and scaling metallic surfaces such as defensive walls and spaceship hulls.)
Alchemized to increase the wearers speed.


Great mobility and assisted balance
Good defense against energy based weaponry such as blasters and Lightsabers. (Thanks to the Phrik and cortosis alloy's used in it's creation it effectively shrugs off energy based weapons such as blasters and lightsabers.)
Personal Particle shield provides excellent defense against solid projectiles while it lasts. (I.e. Slug throwers and the like which would damage the armor under the shield)
Boosts the wearers speed, agility, balance, strength and reflexes due to alchemy.
Dampers the wearers true force alignment and minimizes his or her signature in the force to appear as someone that isn't even a force user.
Phrik/Duranium alloy sections provide heavy durability to the armor.

Slug weapons can get through the non Phrik/Duranium armor if either a strong slug or a few normal powered slugs are used.
Particle shield "breaks" and has to recharge after a few good hits.
Weak defenses on upper legs and upper arms.
User interface is programmed in the Ancient Sith language and requires a password spoken in that language for all systems to function.

The helmet is made of a Phrik/Durasteel alloy blend intertwined with a few key systems integrated into the helmet. The very same alloy is in the gauntlets, boots and the chest armor which encompass the entire area which they cover. The robes under the armor is made of a blend of threads made from Zeyd-cloth threads, Phrik alloy threads, Cortosis alloy threads and Duranium threads woven together in a way to make it nearly as flowing as a robe would but it is still as stiff as the most well flowing armorweave, which the blend of threads is essentially. The armor is mostly focused towards mobility but it still offers good protection, however this causes the upper arms and legs to be unprotected by the alloy that encompasses the best protection, though only lightly as phrik is still used in the threads that encompass the robes.

The helmet has several systems are capable of being operated by sounds and vocal commands. The armor itself, once properly put on, self seals to be able to be operated in vacuum for as long as the internal air supply lasts.
Integrated into the finger tips and two knife points in the tips of each boot allow for a good grip when climbing as well as able to cause deadly strikes when used in hand to hand combat. In the soles and palms are electromagnetic systems which allow the wearer to climb or walk against metallic surfaces such as starship hulls when in vacuum or scale the defensive walls of any enemy installation.
Also integrated into the soles are two small holes that allow for a rocket jump, in mid air even if needed or if a controlled decent is required. The thought involved in this is to provide either a great boost to a jump or to slow down decent in a hard fall where there isn't enough time to gather the force to slow the fall. In the gauntlets however are two large Phrick blades the length of the forearm which can shoot out of their sheaths and provide the wearer with two blades to defend themselves should they be disarmed and the clawed fingertips are deemed unusable against the foe the wearer faces.
The user interface is programmed in the ancient sith language and is unusable without a pre-programmed password in said language the armor will simply function as it is worn, without any of the systems or special functions integrated into it, not even become vacuum sealed as that is the first thing that happens when it is activated by the password.
The overall design of the armor itself is not to appear fully sith but rather to pay homage to the royal guards of the past. As such if the wearer chooses he can use this armor to infiltrate any other faction besides the one Sith if the wearer is not known for using the armor. It also serves as a damper to hide the wearers true force alignment and minimizes it, making the wearer seem like he or she isn't even a force user.

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