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Approved Tech Royal Light - Caelan's Lightstaber Crystal

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Manufacturer: Caelan Valoren
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Small
Note: Image created by me on

  • Breaking the Defense: Hurrikane Crystals are noted for having the ability to more easily cut through defense than other crystals. In the case of Caelan's blade, it's very good at breaking through barriers, whether of the shield or Force variety.
  • Soul Bound: Because of the unique way the crystal was created, it is bound directly to Caelan. This has resulted in the crystal producing a unique color pattern when used in a lightsaber (white-purple-blue). Additionally, when used by a dark-sider, the crystal will create a blade that is severely weakened compared to normal.
  • Hybridized: Because of the nature of the crystals creation (see below) it also has a connective bond between Caelan and his mother, which results in him sometimes drawing her to him through the Force.
  • Defense Breaker: Because of the Hurrikane crystal, the blade is strong at breaking through Force and Ray barriers.
  • Hybrid Theory: The nature of its creation has given him a direct connection to his mother, a former Jedi now deceased, and allows him a mental resource and additional strength in the Force.
  • Null Zone: If Caelan takes the crystal into a Force Nullified zone, the connection to his mother will be severed temporarily, which has an adverse reaction on his mental state, causing fear to seep in.
  • Bleeding: The crystal is not immune to being bled. While it will initially resist dark side use, someone versed in it will be able to bleed it off.
When Caelan was younger, his mother gave him a small blue crystal on a necklace that he wore around his neck. He did not understand the significance of the crystal at first, thinking it was just a family heirloom. Only as he grew older and his mother instructed him of the family history on her side, of their being a long line of Jedi, that he came to understand that the crystal he was given was an Ilum crystal that had been inside of his mothers lightsaber. When she gave up the life of a Jedi to settle down with Caelan's father, she had also given up her lightsaber, resolving never to use it again. She destroyed it, but kept the crystal because of the special connection it had to her, and subsequently to him.

Initially, his intent was not to utilize his mothers crystal in his saber. As such, he took a private trip to the planet of Hurikane, as a result of his reading and studying on some of the Jedi of ancient history, specifically Mace Windu. Caelan is fascinated by the exploits and life of Master Windu, and so wanted a Hurrikane Crystal for his lightsaber. When he arrived on the planet, he acquired such a crystal, a brilliant purple one. He felt a deep connection to the crystal, but he still felt something wasn't quite right with the selection of a Hurrikane crystal, at least not to him. Surely the crystal would work fine, but it didn't feel complete.

He held onto the crystal for a while, not working on his saber, wondering what was off. But one day, as he sat in his quarters on Prosperity, he felt the pull of both his crystal, and his mothers crystal. The two appeared to be calling to each other. He broke the casing around his mothers crystal, and took the Ilum crystal to place it beside the Hurrikane crystal, where he felt an incredible pull of the Force between them. That pull drew energy from within him, until a blinding light exploded from his hands and enveloped both of the crystals, which hovered out of his hands. The light was so bright that he had to close his eyes until he felt something fall into his hands again. When he opened his eyes, instead of two crystals, he had one new, unique crystal which flowed with purple and blue light inside of it.

Now he felt it was complete. This was the crystal he was meant to use in his lightsaber.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the lightsaber crystal that will be in Caelan's lightsaber.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Caelan Valoren
Model: Royal Light
Modular: No
Material: Hurrikane and Ilum Crystals
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