Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RP LOA for July

As most have probably noticed ( [member="Alric Kuhn"] as he chants it has been 17 days since I posted to him) work has me slammed. I've only had time for overseeing Factory and staff duties and not much else.

As a measure of respect, I am posting this RP LOA for the month of July. I am learning the ebb and flow of how work handles during the summer, and it has me rather busy. I rather post that I am on an RP LOA now than keep on having people wait on my replies.

If i come back any earlier, then I will let those affected know.

This goes for all my characters.

Happy Rping!
Do you know what you've done [member="Cira"]!? Now he will demand twice as many posts from me than he already does!

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