Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RP with a Pilot?

Hello there. Made a new character, and I decided to go with a Pilot Non-force user droid-like character. So, if you can tell by my rap sheet, or by my open thread, that I pilot ships for those who want to raid a few banks, or places, then I am your guy. *Think of the movie Drive*

Anyways, if you want to RP with me, or have a job you want fulfilled, just ask away.
Well [member="Lt. Sage"], I do have a job offer for you if you ever get board of robing banks and picking up chick at the closest Cantina.

I'm interested in looking for a Fighter Pilot to join the Legion of Ashes. Since I'm missing one and am desperate for one I think a droid will do. (JK) The offers on the table till either of us die, or I find someone better to replace you.

If you still got a bank heist in mind, I might have a Grey Force User who may be interested.
[member="Jagger Fuga"], Right now, not going to make any promises on a permanent pilot job. Not until I flesh out the character's story a bit more. Though, I will consider it. (Nice reference)

And I am always up for a bank heist, or mining operations.
[member="Jodi Chapman"] Want to steal banks? Ask for [member="Jed Kerkov"], [member="Noire Vanya Tal"] or me.

Since Lan Porgata is inactive, the IGBC is off-limits - you would not want a bank robbery without opposition, right?

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