Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RP with Hutt?

Before I get into this, keep in mind, my character's name change is pending!

So anyway, who would be interested in a thread with an antique collecting, hookah smoking, Hutt crime lord?!
As a member of the Cartel and one of their enforcers I would be happy to do some RP with one of the mighty Hutt Overlords. We even have a recruitment thread going currently with some of the other Hutt Members, here.
[member="Ruger Watchwrath"]
Question, lord hutta, are you heavily involved in the Hutt Cartel?

If not, even if so, think of how awesome it would be if a Hutt was heavily involved in the Reim Imperium. (Space rome)

We could give you over hundreds of *workers*, and a temple of your own to arrange and establish yourself as the crime lord of Reim. Dealing in all of our dirty politics.

Think on it.


for reim!

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