Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RPC Question

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Are you able to have more than one character in the same faction?
And if so, are these characters allowed to interact in any way as long as they aren't helping each other?
For example, you have an Admiral character and a Jedi Master character and they are at a meeting with other masters generals etc. Would they be able to respond to one another as if they were arguing? Or maybe a nod of recognition from an Admiral character to a pilot or soldier character?

Just wondering about the rules on interaction in general.
Yes you can have more than one character in a faction.

It's generally considered bad form to support yourself with your alts. Best to speak in meetings with just one character at a time. It's also a bit of a no-no to reply to your own posts with another character.

Other than that things are generally fairly loose.


Disney's Princess
It is the mark of great skill to have two of your own PC's in the same room or situation, and never have them interact with each other. However, it is an even greater magnitude of skill to never have such a situation happen in the first place. *wink* ;)
Basically, if you want to write a novel, just write a novel. Role-playing is about writing a story with other people. Imagine the telephone game, but with Jar Jar Binks.
I think its fun and hard to role play with two or mor chars in the same meeting, and its ok in my book if they talk or do something together if it makes sense for them to be there. so at such a meeting.. that is probably mandatory.. whats your second' character's excuse for not being there? but you could just have him 'there' and not really be there in anything but presence.
It might be okay to you, but like Tegs stated, it'll attract unwanted attention from Staff if we see it happening too often or at a level where it's abused.

If you can avoid doing it too often or abusing it to the level that you get yourself reported, then Staff will not intervene.

But if you do get reported...

Of course, you shouldn't use it to your advantage, but for instance, I rp the signficant others of some siblings I am gussing I will have to have both of them there at some point :D

Darren Onyx

Not to mention that you also need Five (I think it went back down to five) DIFFERENT writers in order for a faction to reach major faction status. So it wouldn't really even help you that much.

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