Saera Willamina Savan
~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
To enhance RRDI and develop a weapon for ground and anti-vehicle operations that is capable of eliminating soft targets and overloading particle shield systems.
Ri'ess Regal Drives
Mnenchei Monarchy Skunkworks Weapon 12 Skysword ABGM-10
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Closed Market (SSB)
Can be installed in/under any fighter or heavy craft wing or fuselage
Limited Production
Built per Order
Durasteel, Duraplast, Tungsten-Carbide Durasteel Alloy, SRB Thruster
7,600 Credits per Rack (2,800 Credits per new Warhead)
Air Burst Guided Munition (Missile)
Ship-Mounted (Homing / 2:1)
Limited [Restrictions Apply]
Must be legal in system of residence
Length: 1.85 m.
Width: .75 m.
Height: .75 m.
Missile Rack, Tungsten-Carbide Durasteel Submunitions
Two Warheads per Rack (12 Secondary Explosives, 100 Submunitions per Secondary)
160 MGLT / 0.8 S/M
3 km. Flight Distance (2 km. for AA Mode), 30 m. Burst
The ABGM-10 is the first independent air burst munition in Ri'ess Regal's explosive munitions inventory. Short for "Air Burst Guided Munition 1", the ABGM is a craft-launched missile which uses independent IR and Ion sensors in the nose as well as guidance from the firing platform's own systems to accurately seek out targets and leave a heavy cloud of damage over soft targets and light cover. This weapon system is capable of dealing extensive damage to soft target vehicles and enemy infantry, but it is also capable of placing heavy strain on particle shields with repeated and simultaneous use. Dual-Purpose programming per each warhead via the firing platform's own system can be set from Air-to-Ground to Air-to-Air which turns the warhead to high-trajectory focused-cone burst, able to rain its submunitions down onto small airborne craft and frag vital components. The weapon's only downside is that it was not intended for hard targets, armored vehicles and ships. It takes considerable space on a fighter or bomber and should only be used in relatively open terrain with few inclines and light-to-medium armor for maximum efficiency.