Saera Willamina Savan
~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Intent: I had an innovational idea and I wanted to make it a breakthrough.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Ri'ess Regal Drives
Model: Mnenchei Monarchy Skunkworks Weapon 20 Oberon Blaster Cannon
Affiliation: The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ri'ess Regal Drives
Modularity: Will fit on any tank/walker/vessel internally or externally with proper installation.
Production: Mass Production
Material: Durasteel, CEC Kalestat Conduit
Description: The VP-CBC was a brilliant innovation to composite-beam technology that revolutionized its use for Ri'ess Regal Drives, spawned from an incredibly simple concept. Rather than firing one heavy beam, the weapon fired and trimmed several smaller beams in set succession. What resulted was not a constant stream of energy but a sequence of long, pulsed bolts. This allowed not only for the beam to hit with repeated kinetic energy but for each pulse to clear any debris or vapor left from the previous strike against armor, making the weapon much more effective without actually increasing its output. It would appear to the naked eye as though the beam was "pulsing" or vibrating. Depending on range, the rate of the pulse is increased or decreased to maximize efficiency and energy conservation. The result was a CBC that was highly effective against conventional and reactive armor, but degraded against shields.
MODEL A: (Top) Can be housed internally or externally, is vacuum and water sealed, laser-based rangefinder included, matching power cell required.
MODEL B: (Bottom) Must be housed externally, is vacuum and water sealed, power cell or reactor-fed, high-capacity heat sink system included.
Ammo Type Note: Using the option "Connected to Reactor" demands a portion of the reactor's output when active, meaning that up to two Oberon cannons can be the only weapon system online and in use at one time, missiles withstanding. This means that if any further weapon systems are online while the Oberon is active, the system will feel a slight drain and sensory/propulsion outputs may be stunted.
Usage Note: In accordance with the Starship Guide edition 2.0, CBC and composite-beam weapons cannot be used on capital ships. The Oberon cannon may only be used on dropships and below.
Modifiers: x2 Composite-Beam (fire rate is equivalent to standard stream output)
Classification: Variable-Pulse Composite-Beam Cannon
Size: Vehicle-Mounted (sub-capital value: 2)
Status: Limited [Restrictions Apply]
Length: 1.92 m.
Weight: 302 kg.
Ammunition Type: Oberon Power Cell or Connected to Reactor
Ammunition Capacity: 500 / ∞
Rate of Fire: 600 Pulses per GSM
Effective Range: 1,000 m.