Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ruby Sky

NAME: Ruby Sky

FACTION: Agents of Chaos

RANK: Coin - Copper


AGE: 25

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'5"

WEIGHT: 140lbs

EYES: Violet


SKIN: Pale


Ruby has long red hair and usually one side of her head is shaved in various designs. She has several tattoos on her body that give her a cybernetic appearance, though she is completely human.


  • Because I'm Good at It: Does a job because they can do it well, regardless of whether the job is ethical.
  • Arms Dealer: Someone who illegally smuggles weapons to sell them to the highest bidder, including criminal gangs and terrorist organizations.
  • Eco-Terrorist: A radical environmental activist who's willing to resort to illegal or even violent methods.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Will do terrible things just to make money.
  • Drives Like Crazy: A danger to pretty much everyone on the road when behind the wheel.
  • Computer Criminal - excellent slicing capabilities.
  • Smoking Is Cool: A badass character who smokes.


Ruby has lived in the underbellies of Coruscant as far back as she can remember, though she isn’t sure if she was born there. She never knew her father and her mother died when she was young, making Ruby an orphan. She grew up on the streets, panhandling and often stealing just to eat. Life was difficult until she met a hacker named Kovar, who took her into his gang called The Digital Dragons. The Dragons were a swoop bike gang that used digital technologies to take money from wealthy Coruscant corporations. Ruby learned how to pilot a swoop bike and soon started to think of the Dragons as her family. When the Agents of Chaos came to make a proposition to the Digital Dragons Ruby’s life changed forever.
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