Ruby Veir
Deviant Shi'ido
NAME: Ruby Veir
FACTION: The Coruscant Rotary Club, The Underground
SPECIES: Half Shi'do
AGE: 104
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Changes
WEIGHT: Changes
EYES: Changes
HAIR: Changes
SKIN: Changes
[+] Shi'ido
[+] Melee weapons expert
[+] Vastly experienced in the 'movie biz'
[+] Well-connected in the criminal underworld
[-] Sociopathic
[-] Emotionally abusive and power hungry
[-] Exploitative
Ruby Veir was adopted by an ordinary, middle class family living in Galactic City, Coruscant. A gifted child with a natural eye for the arts, she was an honor student at one of the premiere art colleges on Coruscant and graduated magna cum laude, with dreams of being a famous painter. How does one go from being a lover of fine culture to a maker of blue movies? Let's connect all those dots. After graduation the starving artist rented a studio in the Uscru Entertainment District, right in the part of the sector where the city proper intersected with the underbelly. To make ends meet, the beautiful young Shi'do danced at local cantina. It was under the strobe lights of their private champagne rooms,that Ruby fell into the kind of circles she would certainly not tell her parents about. Dancing lead to other pursuits and pretty soon, the young woman found herself in the very nucleus of the adult Holo industry as one of their top billed actresses, a profession perfect for a shape-shifting race like herself. After a few years, Ruby grew tired of performing and used her credits to purchase lights and cameras. She found herself behind the lens instead of baring all for it.
Her artistic background as well as a knack for casting up-and-coming performers who would end up being be the brightest stars in mainstream Holos, allowed Ruby to make blue movies that were not only satisfying to those with prurient interests but we're also marked by sharp dialogue and stirring plots. And the credits poured in. The competion from rival studios was fierce, however. After all she wasn't making wholesome romcoms. Not only was Ruby becoming the target of several extortion attempts but the performers she vaulted to fame eventually left her to pursue more lucrative jobs. In order to stay in business Ruby needed some friends with more muscle.
The young woman used the many underworld ties she had collected over the years as a dancer/actress to align herself with the Coruscant Rotary Club. In exchange for a portion of profits from her Holos, she was supplied with a steady stream of actors, most of them forced into labor. The CRC also gladly supplied the infamous filmmaker with secure hotel rooms in which to film all of the action.
*bio badly needs updating*