Become One With All Things
Jedi Praxeum Station,
New Found Home of the Unified Jedi Order
While Wyatt Morga had come to act as a spokesman and leader for the fledgling order, his latest padawan, Ryv, was left to handle the dirty work. Weeks of labor had gone into preparing the grand council chambers, maintaining bedrooms, and cleaning out the mess hall. He was fortunate given he wasn't expected to do it alone, but it would likely take months worth of work before the station itself could hold all the Jedi the galaxy had to offer. That was the long term goal anyway. The short term was a lot simpler. A new wing of the station had been opened up to be explored and Master Morga tasked the kiffar with handling it. Had Ryv been expected to do it alone he'd of been screwed. Wyatt likely considered that, given he permitted the padawan to put together a small team to collect everything and bring it all to the growing archives for assortment.
Ryv took a day to himself to think about who he wanted alongside him. He didn't know too many other Jedi due to the hours he spent working every day. Those he did know he held in relatively high regard. Auteme was the smartest person he knew and found these sorts of things interesting as far as he could tell. She never struggled to recall information and brought with her years of study no other padawan could match. Aaran Tafo was a competent duelist, kind-hearted Jedi with the drive to make a difference. Ryv was fortunate to even sit in on a few of his classes to get back into form with a lightsaber. Both Loske Treicolt and Bernard were on loan from the Imperium and that was enough for Ryv. Each of them had the trust and respect of his master, the Imperator, so there was no real reason he couldn't rely on them.
Already, the kiffar lounged in the mess as he awaited the others to arrive. The younglings were serving a wide assortment of food to those on their lunch break, which meant he could snag an ice-cold tea, a bowl of exotic fruit, and a roll of buttered bread. It was a simple enough meal for a simple enough guy.