Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud
Silver Starion.
Once a great mining facility turned into a Rebel base against the galactic empire. The base after 400 years has faded from memory and usefulness, abandoned. Many years of military use just up and lifted from the base as the virus pushed through this section of space. The station inside and asteroid now layes dormant, absent of crew, personnel, and sentient life. Now Jaster cruiser entered the system to search for new goodies.
Jaster was never a good man, this was always certain, but he wanted to do good now. Without his factions knowledge he went in search of much needed supplies and equipment. Jaster knew he couldn't do such a venture alone with only the crew he had at hand, employing the assistance of [member="Pel Duval"]. They stand on the bridge of his familys' converted Hammerhead-Class Cruiser,looking at the astroid base from affairs and outside its possible weapons range.
Jaster looks out at this possible gold mine of supplies and says, "I thank you again, friend, all medical supplies and equipment is mine as per our agreement, anything else," Jaster looks over at the Sith, "finders keepers, losers.... Well they just loose." Jaster smiles at the man next to him.
Once a great mining facility turned into a Rebel base against the galactic empire. The base after 400 years has faded from memory and usefulness, abandoned. Many years of military use just up and lifted from the base as the virus pushed through this section of space. The station inside and asteroid now layes dormant, absent of crew, personnel, and sentient life. Now Jaster cruiser entered the system to search for new goodies.
Jaster was never a good man, this was always certain, but he wanted to do good now. Without his factions knowledge he went in search of much needed supplies and equipment. Jaster knew he couldn't do such a venture alone with only the crew he had at hand, employing the assistance of [member="Pel Duval"]. They stand on the bridge of his familys' converted Hammerhead-Class Cruiser,looking at the astroid base from affairs and outside its possible weapons range.
Jaster looks out at this possible gold mine of supplies and says, "I thank you again, friend, all medical supplies and equipment is mine as per our agreement, anything else," Jaster looks over at the Sith, "finders keepers, losers.... Well they just loose." Jaster smiles at the man next to him.