Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rule of Two Poster

Hi artists. Always loved this section and it's work. It's a shame I'm pretty crap and unable to contribute any work. I'm afraid my art comes with my literature :p

But I have something that I think all of you will find interesting to work on. As you can see, the recently departed [member="Ellya"] has already contributed a signature and I'm looking for a similar level of work for a poster for this blog. I will be chronicling the story between myself and [member="Joon"] into this blog, with each thread acting as a novel, like a miniature book for the Chaos canon.

The face claims for our two characters are Kate Beckinsale and Olga Kurylenko. I am looking for dark themes, making both women look powerful and intimidating. Because it's a poster, I want it to be like this poster, with the title at the bottom, like it is in the link. But the background must be the two aforementioned face claims.

Essentially, with the styles and themes I mentioned, I'm looking for the poster to be like this:

Star Wars Chaos: The Rule of Two
With our two face claims back to back, like Bane and Zannah, title at the bottom, dark themes (like the above picture), all fitted into a poster. I think it's challenging, but I think that if it's done right, it will be sick and would make the work I am putting into my story look professional. Of course, the artist who contributes the poster will be mentioned in the blog, which I intend to go down as one of those things readers/writers come back too over the years to read and enjoy.

Thanks <3
Særa Ayña Savan said:
Probably because it's a substantial amount of editing work. I'd do it but I've been pretty busy lately, between school preparations and looking for work. I'll have to see about it but no promises soon.
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll wait. :p

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Ayra"] I'll have a go tomorrow at work and see if I can have I stab at it too. :) I've no Photoshop but I'll make a start.


Well-Known Member
I'll see about giving it a go here in a little while. Not entirely sure I know what you are asking for honestly lol.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Ayra"] I know this isn't top quality and as I said I don't have PS sadly but I think this is the vibe you're after as a basic template until something better comes along:


Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Hmm. Let me get this straight, [member="Darth Ayra"], you want a typical Star Wars fashioned poster, of these two actresses (in or out of character doesn't matter, I presume?) in black cloaks, back to back, with some form of movie-epic background, and the Star Wars logo with "The Rule of Two" title in-between?

I've been meditating on how you might have wanted it but if it's like I described, I can afford to do it over the weekend. :D
Særa Ayña Savan said:
Hmm. Let me get this straight, [member="Darth Ayra"], you want a typical Star Wars fashioned poster, of these two actresses (in or out of character doesn't matter, I presume?) in black cloaks, back to back, with some form of movie-epic background, and the Star Wars logo with "The Rule of Two" title in-between?

I've been meditating on how you might have wanted it but if it's like I described, I can afford to do it over the weekend. :D
Not exactly. It's like how I described it in my OP.

See how Bane and Zannah are back to back? Like that, but with Kate Beckinsale and Olga Kurylenko back to back. [member="Joon"] had the right idea (nice job by the way) but I'll hold out to see what Saera can generate and decide what one to use.

Although, the way you described sounds good, now that I think about it after writing this post, so let's see what you come up there too...

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