Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rules of Engagement

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Rules of Engagement
: Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Objective(s): Survive, Kill Them All


The Dauntless made a hard right, throwing around almost anything that wasn’t nailed down. “The enemy is closing,” M9 casually stated, his hands frantically operating the ship’s secondary gun battery. Sig didn’t respond, at least not with words. Instead he exhaled an annoyed breath before pulling back to initiate a backwards flip. “Our shields are at 50%” he added, the ship rocking as the ship’s shields absorbed the incoming damage.

“Get ready for a hard landing,” Sig quickly announced over the ship comm system, knowing Zandra was likely still operating the primary gun battery.

Sig had taken Zandra under his direct guidance with the young Mandalorian woman taking the second room in the crew quarters. Her exact uses in the long term remained a temporary mystery, short term however Sig had clear goals in mind for his young protege. She had a spark that reminded him of his own and he intended on exploiting it by imprinting his own views and beliefs upon her. Although he was strict with his clan and the teachings he was bestowing upon them, Zandra was a special case.

Recently he had wanted to see more of her skills in combat. While their first encounter was an exciting one, it was hardly one with combat worthy of a Mandalorian warrior. To that end they had taken up a few bounty jobs, taking them all across the galaxy gaining credits that went straight back to both the clan and Crusade.

Their last target was easier than anticipated; despite turning over the corpse of the target to the contractor, the target’s old gang appeared seeking revenge. Unfortunately it was mid-space flight. Sig was a capable pilot, but he much preferred being in more direct control of combat.

Evading incoming cannon fire, Sig punched the controls forward to give the engines all they could. They were in the space around Tatooine but would soon be making impact in the Dune Sea somewhere. Thankfully the dunes would mean slightly less impact damage, but they’d still be temporarily downed. More than that, shortly behind them would be the gang seeking revenge.

The ship shook more violently as they entered the atmosphere and gravity took hold but Sig held the ship controls steady.
BRACE! he yelled over the comm one last time, the ship violently throwing everything forward as it made impact against the desert sands. For a few seconds it kept going, gliding through the sands with little resistance. This however quickly ended and the ship came to a sudden stop.

The bridge was intact, save Sig and M9 who both sat in awkward positions after the crash. Groaning as he sat up, Sig glanced over to the droid who quickly waved him off. Standing, he stretched his temporarily ached muscles and made his way out and towards the stairs leading to the second deck.
“You alive?” he called down, hoping to hear Zandra respond. They wouldn’t have very long to ready themselves for the gang’s inevitable attack. Sig wouldn’t lie, this was the kind of test he hoped to see his apprentice partake in: a mission gone wrong and the odds against you, the way of the Mandalorian.

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