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Question Rules Surrounding Kortosis

So. In both Legends and Canon Kortosis is a metal that has a special property that causes lightsabers to short out for a brief period when their blade comes in contact with it. It was a favored material of Darth Desalus, who made a shield from the stuff to fight Jedi. I wanted to ask about the rules surrounding this material, since I made a character who’s supposed to hunt force sensitives, and intended to give them armor with a Kortosis coating.

However I wanted to check if this was within the rules. I checked the banned and restricted items list and I didn’t see Kortosis anywhere, but I wanted to make absolutely certain before I used it in a thread.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
cortosis was restricted once upon a time it isn't anymore and can aalways be used. With the amount of sabers designed to resist it the best function is for when an imperial knight group appears and they use it for their gauntlets.
Kortosis is fair game. You can use it in weapons and stuff. Just be aware that there is kortosis-resistant tech, so it isn't an instant win against every lightsaber you see. It has its applications for sure. It's rather toxic too, so there's that use. But no restrictions on kortosis, no.
cortosis was restricted once upon a time it isn't anymore and can aalways be used. With the amount of sabers designed to resist it the best function is for when an imperial knight group appears and they use it for their gauntlets.

Alright. But Kortosis does still at least block those blades even if it doesn’t shut them down correct?
Yet over all cortosis other then a as a blocking element is pretty useless anymore these days.
I disagree.

My cortosis edged katana has been honestly one of my most useful subs. I disabled Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's saber in an invasion recently, and it gave me a really cool opening and let me wound the bastard.

Now it's a part of my character's lore that she can say she injured Carnifex.

I think people kinda throw 'weak to cortosis' on every saber sub nowadays, and it's honestly more effective now that it has been in years.
I disagree.

My cortosis edged katana has been honestly one of my most useful subs. I disabled Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's saber in an invasion recently, and it gave me a really cool opening and let me wound the bastard.

Now it's a part of my character's lore that she can say she injured Carnifex.

I think people kinda throw 'weak to cortosis' on every saber sub nowadays, and it's honestly more effective now that it has been in years.

Well I got to say congrats on that, that is nice feat to accomplish and a great epic always love to here people gettign there moment of glory and there story to tell through the ages.

Though on the cortosis topic I have a character with Cortosis weave sword and a dagger which is something that is apart of there peoples history. Last two fights I was in with them with saber wielders the sabers had Non-Dimetrous Circuits so cortosis has no effect on them. Doesn't mean the fights didn't turn out awesome just means that element of surprise with cortosis was gone.

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