Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rumination and Reprieve [NJO]

Tides of Change


Rumination and Reprieve
A New Jedi Order Story


Beyond the edge of Alliance space, on the marshy world of Bogano, the NJO gathers to share an afternoon of togetherness unbothered by politics and battle. The threat of the Mandalorians and the Sith weigh heavy, and they must be dealt with proactively. While there is much for the Order’s Masters to discuss, this evening is one of rumination and reprieve; Only clear minds and open hearts can judge best what steps to take next, after all.

While the elder Jedi see to matters of great import, the Order’s Padawans embark on a subterranean field trip to Bogano’s extensive limestone caverns for a guided cave diving adventure. They should enjoy being kids for as long as they can, while the worst of the war has yet to command their attention.

OBJECTIVE I: The Masters Convene

For the first time since its inception, the Bogano Jedi Enclave stood open to the entire Jedi community. Some inhabitants were thrilled to share their home with the rest of the New Jedi, but there were some who feared the long-term repercussions of revealing their hidden enclave.

Elias felt a stark mixture of both emotions, but when he saw Jedi ships landing on the mesas, it was excitement that won his heart. Seeing his brothers and sisters arrive on Bogano filled the Force Master with gratitude and eagerness. This was an excellent step for his people, and a wonderful opportunity to find solid ground amid the violent waves that surrounded them.

The Knights and Masters of the Order had come to meditate on the path ahead. Through privately attuning with the Force, chatting with one another over a cup of tea, or simply enjoying a restful evening on Bogano, Elias hoped for mindfulness that would see them on the path best followed.


OBJECTIVE II: Cave Stories

Beneath the surface and crisscrossed between its mesas, Bogano supports an impressive limestone cave network that spans most of the planet. The dense troposphere means plenty of year-round rainfall, all of which filters through the porous stone and collects beneath the ground in magnificent subterranean caverns.

Today, armed with headlamps, glow sticks, and experienced enclave explorers, the Padawans (and older Jedi, too!) gather below ground to experience cave diving. Safe caverns with premapped routes were carefully selected for the Padawans to ensure a safe and immersive trip through the flooded tunnels.

Good afternoon, my friends!” an excited Nautolan Master greeted. She and a fellow enclave Jedi opened a crate to reveal rebreathers and oxygen tanks.

Are we ready to explore?


BYOO: Exploring Bogano

Bogano was once home to the mysterious Zeffo, a species of Force-sensitive sages who dedicated themselves to venerating the ways of the Jedi. Many undiscovered sites and secrets hide among the mesas, and herds of wild game graze the surface. Explore Bogano’s wilds to your heart’s content.

Or perhaps you have business around the enclave, in its spacious common room or the archives in the ancient Zeffo Vault. Jedi interested in tinkering may be drawn to the enclave’s workshop. The enclave is open to all and offers many amenities to its guests.


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Objective II: Cave Stories


Cailen looked nervously at the dark waters by his feet. He knew they’d be able to see once they were underwater with the help of their headlamps and glow sticks, but from up here the water was eerily black.

A mixture of softly spoken Padawans echoed off the cave walls.

C’mon, this’ll be fun!

There’s no way I’m getting in there!

You’ll be fine,” a young Knight chimed in.

Cailen rubbed the chill from his arms, nervously sighing.

Right. This is fine.

It wasn’t the water that frightened him. Even deep water was no big deal. Years spent climbing piles of scrapped starships like construction scaffolding had eliminated any fear of heights or depth.

It was the darkness that kept the Padawan on edge.

Cailen peered around the gathered Jedi, trying to find a familiar face in the dim glow. If he could partner up with a friend or two, or even a group, he would feel much better.

Tags: Open


Tags: Cailen Corso Cailen Corso , Open


Loomi wasn't afraid of the darkness.

Far from it, in fact, as she already struggled to see anything that wasn't right in front of her face. The Godoan relied far more on the enhanced senses that feeling through the force and her own sensory organs provided, which made wandering around in the dark a more trivial task than anything else. And besides, Loomi was trying to turn over a new leaf, be a little bit more brave. That meant putting on a strong face for herself and others.

And that's when she noticed a nervous friend. Cailen and herself had already experienced a fair bit together, so he was one of few that she regularly sought to interact with, but it seemed that this time around he was far less confident than before. The Godoan would walk up to the young teen and give him a warm smile.

"It's okay," she assured, trying to come off as empathetic as she could. "We can go together. I can't see very well, but I can feel things pretty good."

It was for that reason that she liked to think she made a pretty good guide in the dark.



"Is this one of your new friends?"

Iris glanced down to the pair of Padawans, whom she could see very very well. Not because of the Force or the world of colors that was for her, but because of her eyes. Keshian could see all manner of colors after all, in ways most other species couldn't. Curiosity had brought her here, but seeing Cailen had brought a smile to her face.

He'd grown in their time apart, but he was still the same boy she remembered.

"I haven't seen them before."

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Loomi Loomi


Location: Bogano
Objective: BYOO (Bogged Down By Boglings)
Tags: N/A

Ko stood out on the edge of a magnificent mesa that had been carved out by an ancient river. The land’s complex hydrology allows for countless streams of water from the marshes on top to flow into the rivers. Many mesas like this could be found across the planet, carving its landscape in unique yet grand ways. The natural beauty of this planet was really something to behold… and Ko saw none of it.

He’d only seen pictures in the past thanks to the Jedi who call their enclave here home. Ko has wished he could come here one day and see it for himself. But he could not. He could only rely on his other senses. Namely touch and sound as his antiox mask kept the very scent of the world hidden from him. He could feel the breezy temperate winds across his body as he stood out over the gorge. The sounds of many streams falling into the depths below.

Ko had not yet become proficient enough in seeing through The Force yet to go spelunking with some of the other padawans. Only able to observe what was directly around him before things got considerably blurry. He was able to move around well enough on his own now. It felt pretty cruel to him. Wanting to see such natural marvels only to lose that ability now. It was hard to feel like The Force was really on his side because of that.

Despite how he was feeling, the Kel Dor padawan was physically pretty calm, almost motionless. Then he suddenly sensed something from behind him. 1, 2, 4 beings approaching from his rear. Ko snapped back to face them before hearing some startled screeches as a handful of Boglings quickly began to bounce away from the padawan. Scurrying off as the image of the creatures became a lot more blurry. Curious by the bouncy fluffy creatures Ko followed them some. Walking for a bit before suddenly stopping with his foot just above the ground. Sensing that if he took one more step he would tip over one of the many Bogling holes that peppered the landscape. Maybe The Force was still looking out for him, just a little. He remembered something Ilo recently told him. About being able to see things through walls. Ko wondered now if he’d possibly be able to sense the Boglings under his feet. Might be worth a try…

Location: Bogano
Objective: II
Tags: Cailen Corso Cailen Corso , Loomi Loomi , Iris Arani Iris Arani

Ilo was excited just like as a little child. Different from the other Padawans, she didn't grab a headlamp for obvious reasons, and the mysteries of the cave didn't look so mysterious to her at all Force Vision made the darkest of the pits feel just like a usual day for the Nautolan Padawan. And oh, wait! The instructor is another Nautolan. Just like Master Shavo, her savior.

"Yes! Yes, we're ready... aren't we?" Aduni blasted, in a mix of admiration for their guide and pure joy. However, something was disturbing her, as far as her tendrils could sense. Someone was uncomfortable in that situation.

Aduni closed her eyes and walked to the source of that disturbance. This made she lightly bump Cailen's back. The padawan made her best to pretend it was an intentional tap to the back:

"Is everything alright?" she asked, with a shy smile. "And hello everyone!"

She took a second to hear what they were saying before acting this time. Turns out they were talking about visibility, which was just her speciality in that particular case.

"I can also help if there isn't any problem. Light or dark, it doesn't matter to me!" Ilo said, trying to sound sympathetic.

She didn't care to think about the possibility of being inconvenient or overly energetic. It just wasn't her way to operate.



Location: Bogano
Objective: Have fun
Tags: Cailen Corso Cailen Corso / Loomi Loomi / Iris Arani Iris Arani

From the shadows, a pair of icy blue eyes watched close by. The figure, who had been waiting for them to arrive for a short time carefully stepped toward the three familiar faces and came to the left of the unsuspecting Cailen. When he was close enough, he leaned forward to his ear and decided to give himself away "Boo" the knight said in a clear voice before wrapping an arm around his chest "Fancy seeing you here Cailen, how are you doing?

Silas had been one of the knights to volunteered to help the padawans through the caves. He had always been a fan of exploration since a young age, and helping the younger Jedi find that same spirit was rewarding to him.

"Good to see you too Loomi, long time no see," he said with a respectful nod before looking over to Iris with a nod of her own "I wasn't expecting you down here too Iris, I've always thought you to be an above ground kind of girl"

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Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Rowena Soh Rowena Soh

Bogano was a world filled with mystery and rich history. Justice had studied it all, at least what he could discern from the archives. It was there he met a very eager padawan who was looking to expand her knowledge beyond the articles and the books she found to read. The idea of getting to decipher whatever markings and cave paintings the Zeffo had left behind was intriguing to her.

Of course Justice was well aware of how Cal Kestis had used them to find and destroy a list of remaining force sensitives during the dark days of Palpatine’s empire. History would judge the decision as the right one, though there was still debate on whether or not it was. Could the order have been rebuilt faster, maybe. The threat and danger of those they found falling into the hands of the empire, and Darth Vader, was much more pressing.

Justice would have likely made the same decision.

“Alright, so since I am responsible for you, you cannot wander off.”

He smiled, looking at the girl. The assumption was she would be as excited as he had been the first time he went to a dig site. Justice had gotten so lost, lost from the group, lost track of time, just plain lost. He did not want that repeating itself with this one. Besides, Justice was already likely to lose track of time exploring. Though, he was not about to tell Rowena that.

They walked down the ramp of his ship. It was a distance away from the others who had come from the New Jedi Order. Justice kept his distance more often than not these days. He and his wife, Hollis, had certain reservations about recent decisions, and they were watching to see what came of them. As a scientist, Just made observations, and so he would simply observe and collect the data. He hoped his hypothesis was wrong, but he could not be so sure.

“I am not as much interested in what we already know, but that is where we have to start if we are going to find anything new. You have the notes, we test every assumption, and if we find something that does not quite line up, we search. It is like finding a loose thread on a tapestry. Instead of fixing it, we want to pull at it and see what unravels as a result.”

Their job was one which embraced curiosity. It was often a dangerous thing.




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Open

Valery sat alone atop a rock located near the edge of one of Bogano's many sinkholes.

The Force swirled around her mysteriously here, and for the last hour or so, she had been quietly trying to focus on it. The currents were leading her somewhere, she knew, but where? It was exciting to explore parts of a world she had only visited a few times, and every one of those visits had been at the Enclave. Others would be there today for various reasons, but she wanted some time away from crowded Jedi Temples.

Even if it meant missing one meeting between Masters for once.

"Kahlil is much better at this stuff..." Valery muttered to herself after a long sigh, her eyes resting on a series of runes or glyphs or whatever these scribbly things were in the stone circle around the sinkhole. She wasn't going to tell him that, of course, so now she had to stubbornly try and figure something out herself.

She could do it.


Gently, her hand traced along the lines carved in stone, and she allowed a pulse to echo out to her through the Force. It was old, perhaps as ancient as some of the constructions here on the planet. It was a start for her journey here.



Tag: Justice Lesan Justice Lesan
Objective: BYOO

Like any good archivist, Rowena had studied about Bogano before arriving. And she had re-read the information during the journey to the planet. Best to be prepared. Especially, since this was her first real assignment.

The teen felt most at home in the archives, to be sure, but she was also excited to go on her own adventure. It was one thing to read about the adventures of other Jedi -- and another entirely to experience it yourself.

Though, she hoped there would be no combat.

Her eyes flitted to her new master's cybernetic arm. Rowena tried hard not to stare, but it was difficult. She hadn't had the courage to ask about how that had happened yet. Maybe she didn't really want to know. Knight Lesan seemed capable enough, and Rowe was rather good at ducking for cover. Somehow, she'd imagined being paired with an ancient Jedi master, the kind with wise-eyes and beard to the floor. But it was nice to be out and about with some young... ish. Even though Justice had youthful features, he was already married!

She followed along dutifully, all the while tapping away on her datapad (and occasionally tripping). Rowe thought she heard something about wandering, but she hadn't been listening. "Erm, yes, of course," she said, nodding like she'd been paying attention.

"Just one question," she said, walking briskly to aim a sidelong glance at her master. "Will there be any... need to... fight things?"


Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Would there be any need to fight things? That was an interesting question. As a padawan, Rowena was at least required to have a basic mastery of the first form. It was not to ensure she was an expert combatant by any means, it was simply that she needed to know how to defend herself if needed.​
“You should always be prepared for that possibility, yes. But here the worst thing that might get you is a giant toad looking thing trying to eat you.”
Justice smiled. She was nervous about fighting something, that much was certain, but as long as she listened to him and did not wander off, she was safe. Just had learned to fight, and fight well. Once he got over whatever had been blocking him from learning properly, Justice found that he had mastered the lightsaber to the same degree as his uncle and cousin.​
There was a light breeze blowing through the grassy fields of the planet. It reminded Just of the lake country on Naboo, near his uncle’s vineyard. The place would always have a special place in his heart. Though that was a conversation he was not about to have with his padawan. If that topic ever came up, boys and the like, she was going to get sent straight to Hollis. Justice was not even about to pretend he could give good advice in that arena.​
“See the stone walls up ahead. They look natural, but take a closer look and tell me what you see.”
He waited. This was a test of course. Justice wanted to see how good her eye was. Did she know what to look for? Of course he would teach her if she could not answer, but this was the only way to learn. Rowena would have to try, fail, learn, in order to progress. It would make much stronger than try, succeed, and never learn. Though, Justice did suppose she needed to succeed a few times. It would keep her from wanting to quit.​
Objective II: Cave Stories
Tags: Loomi Loomi Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Iris Arani Iris Arani Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Eloise cracked her knuckles. She wasn’t afraid of the dark or the water, but apparently several of her peers were.

Albrecht included. “Is there anything dangerous down there to worry about?” the Ukatian boy asked, gazing warily into the depths.

As long as you stay on the pre-mapped routes, you’ll be fine.” Eloise grinned. She had no intention of staying on the beaten path, even if she had to go alone.

That is, until one of the Knights in charge spoke. “You’ll be assigned to a group. We don’t want you going alone or only with your friends. You’ve got to learn to work together with others, even those you don't know very well.”

Eloise’s smile instantly became a grimace. The Knight separated her and Albrecht and directed her toward Loomi Loomi and Cailen Corso Cailen Corso . The two of them were being rather chummy with each other, so maybe they’d be broken up as well. Or maybe they wouldn’t, and Eloise would be stuck playing the third wheel.
Wearing: Jedi Jumpsuit (Black)

Armed With: Nathan's Saberstaff

Objective: 2

Nathan Bloodscrawl, ever silent, ever a background element in the NJO, walked the world of Bogano among his fellow Padawans. He was the oldest one there. He'd brush it off, saying the Force chooses who it will call to and when they will be called.

He'd never been to Bogano. Nothing of its beauty stirred him. He was not invigorated by its wonders. His presence in the Force was a strange, cold static most times.

Nathan went still as he sensed the presence of Valery Noble Valery Noble . He was keeping his head down but that was becoming increasingly difficult to do. If he left right now, it would likely be viewed as deliberate avoidance of a Master.

So he approached. He might as well try.

"Master Noble." he said, the former Knight whose history was totally forgotten by the Jedi maintaining a respectable distance.

"Are you planning on heading deeper into the caves? I was heading there myself. Planning on looking for old texts..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Objective II: Cave Stories


"Oh, hi Loomi!" Cailen said in the dark, smiling even though she probably couldn't see it well.

He hadn't seen her since their previous mission together, on a derelict ship full of afflicted hosts... he shuddered in the cool darkness, glad now that he wasn't readily visible to the rest of the Jedi around him. It was good to have her here with him, and he was prepared to tell her as much when a sudden 'boo!' startled him from behind.

"Silas!" he yelped, excitement and fear equally lofting his voice. He felt his cheeks redden from the echo, but again he was saved by the lack of natural light in the caves. Luckily, he could play it off with a good hug from his brother. And Iris was here as well.

It truly felt like a mini family reunion, being together like this again. And not in the line of battle, for a change. Cailen was beaming. And there were plenty of new faces here, too. Or at least, they felt new. One of the Padawans tapped his shoulder.

"Is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah, I think so," he stammered, looking over his shoulder to the Nautolan Jedi behind him.

"I'm Cailen! It's nice to meet you." He gave her a kind smile.

"I'm a bit nervous to jump in, actually. But everything will be fine. Especially with you guys here!"


"And hello everyone!"

"Hello!" Loomi responded with a warm smile.

New friends. That was nice. A Jedi knight appeared, asking who she was. More people?

"Uh, Loomi," she introduced. "I-it's nice to meet you both."

Then Silas. That was a lot of people. Loomi could feel herself getting a little overwhelmed, taking a moment to recompose herself. She was usually far more used to one on one or one on two types of interaction. This was a lot for her, especially considering her social unawareness that she was becoming significantly more aware of.

"I'm a bit nervous to jump in, actually. But everything will be fine. Especially with you guys here!"

"W-we can go in together," the Godoan suggested. "I'm always a little nervous about stuff, b-but having a friend makes things easier, right?"

That was a good takeaway, she thought. Loomi wasn't too sure how long the knights would be hanging around. This felt like a thing where they may step back and watch as the learners figure stuff out on their own, offering some support from the background. That was okay, ultimately. A reassuring presence was always a helpful one, even if they weren't necessarily right next to you.

A newcomer would be ushered their way, prompting Loomi to glance over. She had seen that girl before, but didn't know their name. They always seemed... upset? Angry? Maybe a mix of the two. The emotions swirling around them always made her stomach spin, so she typically didn't interact with them. That made her feel bad. They were probably a lovely person, but Loomi was not yet ready to step out of her comfort zone in such a manner. Not quite yet. She'd offer a meek wave, an acknowledgement of presence, then shifted her focus back to the inky depths before them.

"D-do we start?" she asked.

She hadn't really been paying attention to any instruction further than the briefing on the various paths they'd take.

BYOO: Escape the Temple
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tags: Lyli Dragi Lyli Dragi

Since the trial of her master, Thelma had been placed under house arrest. She was permitted to go to classes, but otherwise couldn’t leave her quarters. Despite this frustrating turn of events, Thelma had remained submissive to the authority of the Council… until today.

Most of the Padawans and several of the Masters had gone on a trip to Bogano, a planet very far from Coruscant. Thelma was not permitted to join them, of course. She stayed in her quarters, seated at her desk, comforted by the steady whirring of her sewing machine.

She was biding her time, waiting for help. Not from her friends in the Order—that way was closed by her own hand. She couldn’t allow any of them to fall under suspicion as accomplices. Silas Westgard Silas Westgard would want to help her, and perhaps others, but she couldn’t ask it of them. She had to do this on her own, with a little assistance from outside.

At last, she stood up, turning off her antique sewing machine. She would have to leave it behind, along with most of her other belongings. Without sparing it too long a glance, she knocked on the door, drawing the attention of the guards. “I need to use the ‘fresher, please,” she said.

The two Temple Guards escorted her everywhere, the refresher included. One of them opened the door and she stepped out, walking between them down the deserted hall. The Temple seemed so quiet with nearly everyone gone…
Ikenna looked nervously down at the rebreather in his hand and cast a hooded glance to the oxygen tank on his back. He'd had his lightsaber now for a year, taking longer than most of his class to complete the construction of his own blade. His brow furrowed beneath his hat and he felt himself shrink behind the large collar of his poncho. He wasn't entirely sure his lightsaber would survive the trip if they had to jump into water. Stupid. Stupid. Of course he should have waterproofed his lightsaber.

The others seemed enthusiastic. He would have preferred a calm night under the stars nestled up to a dray on his parent's farm back on Alderaan but...He still didn't have a Master and some part of him felt it was because he lacked experiences like this, hadn't proven himself capable outside of the comfort of the Core Worlds. 'Even though I was the first in my group to find a kyber crystal,' he thought bitterly to himself.


Elias Edo Elias Edo | OPEN

Gabriel had heard tales of Bogano, read about the mysterious world in old Jedi texts and dusty history books, but he'd not thought he'd ever have the time to visit the world as far out in the 'Rim as it was. Yet here he was. He took in the sight of the mesas, drawing in a deep breath that filled his chest and lungs with the smell of dew and wet stone. He held it there for a few moments before letting it ease out over his mustache. He smiled, satisfied, before entering the enclave, nodding to the attendants who kept the place clean and tidy in the absence of the many Jedi the Enclave was obviously built to hold.

A smattering of Masters from across the Alliance and some from outside the Alliance had come. A few he recognized, some he did not know at all. Good. It would be crucial in the coming days to be more familiar with the membership of the Jedi Order. A small part of him though longed for the familiarity of someone he knew. A particular someone floated carefree into his mind, buzzing her name like an angry raptor-wasp. He pretend he didn't hear Ichica's name and took a cup of tea from one of the archival droids aiding in serving the meeting.


Location: Bogano
Tags: Loomi Loomi , Cailen Corso Cailen Corso , Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"I'm Ilo! Nice to meet you all too!" the Nautolan answered, blooming in energy and interest.

Ilo had reached a point at which she could talk to people with a soothing look in her eyes as she could really see them directly. Well, she could recognize very detailed silhouettes, and every other Jedi she was talking to had a very different aura — which made her even more interested in spending time with them. Her all-black eyes were shining in excitement, even in the pitch-black darkness.

"D-do we start?" she asked.

"Yes!" she simply responded, all jumpy and hyped.

She could feel with the help of her tendrils, though, the tension and uncertainty coming from Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj . Casually and without making a scene about it, Aduni approached the fellow Padawan as they started walking down the route. She gave a little gentle tap to his back as a kind introduction.

"That's a nice poncho you got there. First time spelunking? At least it's mine, if deep diving doesn't count." she tried to start a conversation. "I mean, it should be alright anyway. We're a big group."



Tag: Justice Lesan Justice Lesan
Objective: BYOO

Rowena laughed when Justice mentioned the possibility of getting eaten by a giant toad. "I suppose chances are slim, but never zero." Rowena nodded.

"Well, there are actual giant carnivorous amphibians," Rowena said. "The oggdos." Suddenly the joke had become quite serious. "They are an alpha predator here. But surely, they wouldn't try to eat us..." the last bit was said in a tone that suggested Rowena was trying to convince herself of this fact.

She shuddered.

As they made their way across the plains, Rowena fixed her attention on the stone walls that rose on the horizon with each step. When her master instructed her to inspect the walls, Rowena cleared her throat and approached. To the naked eye, the walls did indeed look like part of the surrounding mountainside. Rowena wasn't quite used to tapping into the force for insight, so she pulled out her scanner and held it out.

"It's hollow!" she said, eyes wide. "A concealed cave."

She turned a glance over her shoulder to Justice for confirmation.

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