I lost her because of my dogmatic adherence to an ancient religion not suited to modern times.
These were strong words, stronger than Veiere was used to hearing from the man he had served with in trying to restore the Jedi Order working alongside the Galactic Republic. Cyril Grayson seemed very focused on that body of Government, Veiere too knew their downfall and had more than his share of assumptions to cast against the people that turned away progress and yet he had not allowed it to sour his approach towards others, nor had it fueled him into a warriors crusade. His heart had never been in the politics, the Republic had always been an after thought compared to the Order itself of which Veiere had once known to be completely opposite of what it had become, in the past steadfast and firm in its ideal's as he was; only to become complacent, lazy and arrogant. Yes, Veiere had suffered from that failure, he felt insulted and cast away, denied by the Order he had served all his life...-Yet still he believed in the Force and in the Jedi Order. Yes the people had become corrupt and blinded by their lavish comforts but that did not eat away at what the Jedi Order represented, what it had stood for and would one day stand for once more if he could ever have his way.
The fact that [member="Darth Mephirium"] had loved and lost was news to him and it was spoken rather close to home, in the sense that Veiere could relate to the fear of losing someone that he cared for. It helped to keep him quiet as Cyril spoke, it took his mind elsewhere to consider his own state of mind had he to lose Lady Kay to the opposition that was his morale alignment. For her to cross over to the Dark Side, to see the weight of the galaxy crush her and to churn her into someone else, anything but the caring and compassionate woman that she was now; Veiere knew the strength that it would have taken to remain beside the Order. Perhaps there was no alternative, he did wonder if there was no third option in being able to seek her out and help her as Cyril mentioned yet did not elaborate; knowing the man so much as Veiere did, Cyril would have naturally pursued her if it was a possibility...-And yet he had spent years as a hidden cell within the ranks of the One Sith, sewing dissent from within, or so he had told the Conclave of Yutan.
All that I do -- that I have done, has been out of service. I have given my life, my blood,
my love for these people, and you accuse me of being some kind of power-grabbing tyrant?
Veiere's words had been taken by personal insult and yet the assumption was not in truth to be correctly made from the Jedi Knights curiosity and concern around his old friends plan for the Core Worlds. Whether or not some of the Jedi were involved, Cyril hadn't yet mentioned, certainly not named any of those he had brought with him during the conclave nor the battle of Gyndine yet he had openly said that he was working alongside those of the Sith; long after rerouting their Empire and turning his back on the woman he loved for the life that she had chosen. Too easy was it to find loopholes in Cyril's story with so little details and no real idea of the length of time that passed during the days that he spoke of. Fortunate for Cyril that Veiere was not a man to act out of paranoia nor without solid evidence, he could not turn down the few positives that Cyril's plan offered yet again he found himself concerned for the prospective blood shed in the pursuit of peace. It was that same contradiction, the double edged sword that would only bring as many enemies to their door as they did attempt to fight for 'peace'.
Veiere, peace is the noblest aspiration, but sometimes you must fight for it. I bring weapons because I know everyone else has them.
And while everyone holds this attitude, who in their right mind would let them (The weapons), go..." Veiere countered, raising a hand in response to Cyril's emotions that had flared, reaching out half way in a silent notion suggesting that his friend find his calm once more. The problem was that he was talking to Veiere as if he was a soldier and not a Jedi Knight of the Order, a guardian of the innocent and a warden of the Force, not a foot-soldier to be thrown into battles at the demands of men and women who knew not the ferocity of combat themselves. "
The Jedi that I remember were Keepers of the Peace, not weapons for war...-Back on Yutan, you put my name forward for the possibility of becoming Grand-master knowing that I am a Pacifist, that I will do everything to deter conflict but nothing to start it. The Jedi rise up in the Defense of others, they don't seek their enemies out to fuel further death and bring about the Chaos that your Sith are well known for, my old friend...". Veiere had said nothing against Cyril as a person but if they were going to talk ideals and moral views towards the Galaxy and how to help it, they would find themselves on opposite sides of the fence. As it stood, Veiere was doing exactly what he felt was right by the standards of the Jedi and the needs of the Galaxy, with his efforts on Commenor. It was a definite plus that it was [member="Lady Kay"] that he found himself working alongside day in and day out but beyond that, the work that they sought to share with the other bodies of governance in order to lesson the potential for further war was right on point with his desire to aid in the end of Conflict; not add another sword to challenge all the rest.
Lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, his gaze dropped in momentary consideration. He did not wish to seem as if he was arguing Cyril at every turn but he struggled to see the diplomacy behind his old friends need to justify another army, another body of soldiers on the cusp of war with those already to large in number and reluctant to cease their own battles for expansion. "
Lady Kay will wish to hear of your offer, your desires for the core words, she is the authority on Commenor and has the political mind that I fear I do not..." He returned to look across the table to that of Cyril, offering him something of a sympathetic look knowing that his friend was copping his concern and his doubts for the future of their sector of space.